Friday, January 21, 2011

Have we almost crossed the peak of winter?

It was a much more productive day today in spite of still getting little sleep.  We got the living room cleaned and the kitchen back up to speed again and I'm cooking supper right now.  In the scheme of things it doesn't seem like a lot but you didn't see the living room.  I still have much more to do this weekend so by Monday I can decide on some kind of schedule so I can get to work on my projects and start producing something I can sell this summer.  Hopefully I can figure out the flea market thing by then.

It's still mighty cold out there.  In the minus numbers without the wind chill (and even lower with it.)  I had to get up with Professor to let him out to wee twice last night and the inside door was covered in frost.  We have it covered with curtains at night to keep the cold air out (and the warm air in) but the panels and door knob and lock were iced over.  Glad I have the curtains there.

I moved Professor's steps because he's afraid to use them at night.  I couldn't figure out why until Zach pointed out that the top is a black ottoman, that is covered in a white towel, but from Professor's perspective on the floor, completely black to him because he's looking up.  Plus the nightlight has the whole thing backlit.  He used it just fine last night so I'll keep it where I've got it even though it takes up room on my infinitesimal bedroom floor.  Better to have little room than no sleep.

Now if I could just get him to hold it all night so I don't have to get up and let him out. 

I didn't go anywhere today, which was a nice change.  But I didn't even check the bird feeder either.  I'll get that done tomorrow when it's up in the teens again.  The birds were at the feeder today so it looks like I still have some food in there.  I really need to prune the apple and pear tree but it's so blasted cold and I'm not sure putting the ladder up in the snow will be that good an idea.  The apple tree hasn't been pruned since we moved in and by the looks of it, maybe never.  The apples are the size of walnuts so I can't use them.  I'd like to have apples this summer.

I'm almost ready to plan the garden.  I suspect Tom wants me to grow tobacco again.  His crop upstairs looks really good so I'm okay with planting more.  Only I need a bigger garden so I have more than a salad garden this year.  I want green beans, peas, corn in addition to some salad veg.  Definitely romaine lettuce, green onions, radishes and whatever else I can fit in there.  Oh, and sunflowers that don't rot.  I have never had my sunflowers rot like that before.  I had grown black sunflower seeds but I don't think that was the problem.  Not sure what was though.

I'll need more space so we'll need to stake it out soon so I can start dumping compost on it to get it ready.  I have plenty now to start a garden.  Probably after Imbolc though.  It's too soon now.

I'll probably watch my dvr inventory tonight as it's getting full and then watch Midsomer Murders all weekend.  That and finish up Farscape, season 2.  Then I'm watching Earth: Final Conflict.  Tom was pleased I got it since he's a fan of it as well.  He's not big on sci fi but that one, he liked.

Well, off to finish up supper and settle in for the night.  I have some spring cleaning planned for next week, I hope.


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