Saturday, February 26, 2011

More snow...what a surprise...not!

I woke up this morning intending to get a lot done but the library had some dvds in I wanted to watch this weekend so I headed out.  Only it was snowing and the truck was the last car in the driveway.  There is a mountain of snow and a barrier blocking one lane  in front of the neighbor's house so there was no place to park both vehicles so I could swap them out.  I took the truck but with great depredation.  Remember it's crap on snow.

The roads were pretty good when I left and then I hit up StuffMart to pick up some planting supplies so I could start planting my herbs.  I'll start some tomatoes, peppers and tobacco next week.  By the time I got out the roads were covered with a thin layer of snow and the truck was slipping and sliding all over the place.  I drove at 40 mph all the way home, much to the disgust of those people in SUVs and even then I was sliding.

I finished up the last stripe of design on the Greek afghan and only have a few rows of stockinette and the garter stitch border to go before putting a garter stitch border on both sides.  I started knitting an herb bag out of sock yarn because I want to hang some herbs around the house and maybe even wear some.  I've got a crush on rosemary lately.  Can't get enough of it.

I also plan on getting back to my Navajo coat tonight.  I saw a woman at the library with a gorgeous coat with a Peruvian design that was so colorful.  I almost went up to her and asked her about it but it didn't look handmade, but store bought.  No, I didn't think that because handmade things look less, but because it just looked store bought.  Many, many handmade things look better than store bought.  Mine probably won't, but I'm okay with that.  I'll still love it.

I simply must get busy on the house.  The clutter is really bothering me. I also need to get busy on eating better.  I know that is a large part of the reason I don't feel good ever.  Even with the chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, I've felt better in the past when I was eating healthier foods.  I need to get back to that and now.

But for now I'm off to lie down because my headache is back.  The sinus infection seems to be completely gone but I still have allergies to mold and mildew.  Cleaning would probably lessen that problem as well.

At least the snow is lovely...until tomorrow when we have to go shovel it.  But for now, I'll enjoy it.


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