Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I do not love the humidity

Oh, the heat and humidity.  It was around 90 F today plus whatever the heat index brought it up to.  We desperately need to mow but it was too hot today.  Maybe tonight Zach can get the front yard done before he dissolves into a puddle of sweat.  We were out of gas and didn't get the can filled until the weekend but it rained off and on and I don't like running the lawn mower on the yard when the ground is soft.  We have enough ruts in the yard as it is.

I tightened up the terminal on the battery post this morning which took a while since nothing on that car is easy to work on.  I walked into the house soaked in sweat with a major flare up of my fibromyalgia.  I'm all achy now but I only have taken ibuprofen so far today.  As soon as I sign off here I'll take some tramadol and head for bed.  I haven't a clue about supper but it's too hot for the oven and I can't think of anything stove top to make so I'm making bacon and eggs for Tom when he gets home.

I'm going to stop hanging the clothes out on the line.  All our good clothes are covered in lint that seems to be glued on and it looks crappy.  I'll just dry clothes at night after the sun goes down or first thing in the morning.  Plus I think I'm going to use the clothes line to hang the tobacco on (with a tarp covering) until winter.  I'll figure something out by then.  We don't need the kiln until spring so we've got all winter to figure that out.

I'll have some tomatoes in a week or two.  I can see some color in the tomato plants from the kitchen window.  I know there are more zucchini out there but I'll get them tomorrow morning.  I'm thinking zucchini pancakes for supper and the rest will be zucchini bread, some of it for the freezer.  I do love zucchini pancakes.

I made it to town today and picked up a memoir on the "new" shelf called I Sang in My Chains about a former nun.  I got it home and noticed it's been autographed by the author.  Makes me nervous to have something like that even though I try to take very good care of the books and dvds I get from the library. I hate being the first person to take a book out.  Should any fingerprints end up on the pages, they're obviously mine and I can't blame it on the person before me.

Not that I would do that.  (whistling innocently.)

I started the Helm's Deep shawl again, this time in brown Caron Eco.  What a difference!  This definitely is the right yarn and the right project.  I'm doing it as written this time.  Still making progress on Sweeping Statement, too.  And my Crane bag, which I work on when reading the paper online or my favorite blogs and Ravelry.

Time to take a pain pill and crash.  When the sun goes down I'll fry up some bacon and Tom can fix his own eggs when he gets home.  Some days I just can't do it, you know?



knittingdragonflies said...

I agree, waiting for the heat and humidity to drop. Any day now! Keep cool.

ben said...

Was doinga s earch for the book I Sang in My Chains and saw your site. great blog, and truly amazing book. You will love it :)

Kathy said...

Vicki, it looks like we've got two or more days of this heat and humidity so we're going to take it a bit easy until it passes.

Ben, I couldn't put the book down. I finished it up last night because it was so fascinating. I didn't even get much knitting done because I couldn't stop reading it. Thanks for visiting and commenting. :-)