Wednesday, August 1, 2007

They liked me; they really liked me!

Zach had his placement test today, which he passed with very high scores. I spent the time at the library looking up sock patterns and learning what a balbriggan heel was. Went to StuffMart after that and had a Subway sandwich. Not terribly satisfying but it did take care of that pesky hunger thing (down 60+ pounds now.)

It was so hot today, at least hot for Wisconsin. Humid, too. So I was anxious to get home and get into some shorts and sit in front of the fan. I don't turn the a/c on unless the heat index is over 100 and then only for as long as it takes to suck the water out of the air so it's bearable.

Just as soon as I sat down and turned the computer on so I could read my 137 emails from the various loops I subscribe to, the phone rang. Caller ID let me know it was StuffMart. Wondering if I had left something important there or they didn't like my check (they never seem to dislike my money,) I answered the phone.

It was the personnel manager inviting me to interview with them so I can work in the toy department. I responded that I liked toys. He probably thought I was an idiot, but gave me the interview anyway.

I met with four people, one at a time, each one higher up on the food chain. Finally the co-manager of StuffMart offered me the job. He let me know that I impressed him because in spite of having no work history for 20 years and no work references, I had homeschooled my son and knew about working with someone with a different learning style. Zach has Tourette Syndrome along with ADD and ADHD tendencies and had a massive case of OCD (which has eased off considerably in the past year.) He doesn't learn the way the average person does. He learns well, but he just doesn't learn the way public schools normally teach.

This nice man said that they really needed someone there who understood that people learn differently and can recognize how each person learns best.

So...I get to work in the Toy Department (did I mention that I like toys?) and get paid for it. Not a lot, but certainly more than I'm making now which I can help pay for Zach's college, catch up on our bills and best of all, I will get a yarn allowance. (Shhh...Tom doesn't know I already have one.) spite of the fact I got next to nothing done today, I feel pretty good about myself. I took the Professor for a walk and now I'm ready to clean house and knit the night away.

Oh, and I frogged the Monkeys because my purls were way too loose. They look much better second time around. I really need to practice new patterns on my acrylics so I don't tire out my good yarn.

Praying for those people in Minnesota. I have to admit that I hate driving over bridges for that very reason. When we lived in San Diego I would curl up in the fetal position every time we had to go over the Coronado Bridge.

Come to think of it, every time I'm a passenger in a car, I curl up in the fetal position. Hmmmm..

Day 3 of cutting my statins in half and I already can feel the fog lifting.


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