Thursday, April 7, 2011

Miniscule progress

I got about 10 hours of sleep last night, although not uninterrupted.  Tom woke me up when he came home by coming into my room and playing with Professor who was sitting on top of me.  Then Professor needed to go out this morning, earlier than I wanted to get up.  So I feel better, but still not energetic.  I did get some things done today though, that I had been putting off.  Planting seeds wasn't one of them, but I do hope to get to that very soon.

Errands tomorrow but no real shopping.  Just picking up some prescriptions and a couple of other items.  I don't really need more groceries.  Although Professor has been scratching his right ear and when I looked in, saw that he could use a cleaning so I'm getting ear cleaner as well.  One more reason for him to love me.

The weather has been lovely.  Temps in the 70s are predicted for Sunday along with thunderstorms.  I went ahead and took the plastic off some of the windows because I'm hoping not to use the furnace anymore.  I'm sure the nights will be cold enough but aside from a quick run of it to warm the place up, I don't anticipate using it regularly anymore.

I hope, anyway.

I should get started on supper:  pork chops, boiled potatoes and a veg.  Hash browns for Zach.  Nothing terribly exciting.  I would fix noodles but I forgot to get more and I don't feel like making any right now.  Maybe this weekend I can get some made.  I don't have a pasta machine so I do it all by hand and rolling pin.  Still pretty good.

I think I'm going to start going to bed earlier and instead of knitting until I get sleepy, just quit at a certain time and turn the lights off.  I can't get to sleep in silence because my brain chooses that time to bring up all the stuff that stresses me out, so I generally watch something I've seen before so I'm not glued to the tv waiting for the ending.  I went right to sleep last night...until I got woke up.  Then it took me a while to get back to bed.

Off to fix supper and do other boring things.


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