Saturday, March 26, 2011

Winter isn't done with us yet

We've had snow two days in a row but zero accumulation.  It's like getting to watch the show without having to pay for it.  Well, it is March after all.  And we have had significant snow up until mid May so there is that.

I made a trip to the store today mostly because I wanted to get out of the house but partly because we did need a couple of things.  I'm always amazed at how somepeople are oblivious to the people around them.  I was going down an aisle and a woman pushed her cart into the intersection, blocking it, and then went back halfway down the aisle.  Completely oblivious.  Another couple were holding up traffic both ways in an aisle while deciding on which colored sugar water concoction they wanted.  Even after people made remarks to them...they still held up traffic by putting their cart in the middle and standing on either side of it.

There were a lot more incidents but you get the picture.

I finished up Salem's Lot this morning.  I've read it several times but it still gives me that delicious fear thrill, especially at night when no one is up and all the lights are off except for mine.  Started on The Kitchen God's Wife.  I don't think I've read this one.  It's not familiar to me, anyway.  And I have other non-fiction books sitting on my bed needing my attention.  Plus Artemis Fowl on cd that I need to get busy with as I'm positive I won't be able to renew it.  I won't be able to listen to it much this weekend because Tom is home and in and out of the living room, watching tv for a few minutes then heading back upstairs.

I'm making minor progress on the poncho, but it's wide so an inch is really a significant amount of time spent.  But as I am a process knitting, this is the perfect project for me.  It's a light blue and heavy enough to use during spring and fall, but not something to wear around the house because the sleeves (not really sleeves) will get caught on everything.

I'm not cooking supper tonight.  Everyone is fending for themselves with leftovers or sandwiches.  We're having salmon tomorrow night with risotto rice.  I got some arborio rice today.  Maybe a nice salad to go with it. 

It's early but I'm heading to bed soon anyway.  I'm a bit under the weather and want to nip it in the bud if I can, taking time to rest.  I've been irrigating my sinuses trying to fend off another sinus infection.  Apparently I have a deviated septum and that's why the frequent infections.  Hopefully the neti pot Tana graciously gave me will do the trick and I can avert another one.

So, off to grab a sandwich and then to bed.


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