Thursday, March 3, 2011

Don't yell at me

At the risk of being yelled at, I will confess that I didn't go to the doctor today.  I took an antihistimine last night and woke up this morning at 7:30 with my no sinus pressure.  I've been running clear for over a week now so I'm thinking it's not infection but just swelling.  The pain has gone down considerably and I can bend over without feeling a tidal wave in my forehead.  I'll take another one tonight but I also got some sinus spray to deal with swelling.  My face is no longer hot to touch; in fact, it's been pretty cool today.  If I still have pain in my jaw next week, I'll make an appointment with the doctor, but as it seems to be getting better, I'm optimistic I won't have to.

But I did some research on chronic sinus infections and I'm investing in a neti pot when I'm out of my saline spray.  According to many sources, using it a few times a week keeps the infections away.  And I'm all for that.

Last night I went to sleep before Tom got home but I kept waking up waiting for the alarm to go off.  When it finally did I was awake and walked around a bit and did things waiting to see if I needed to call in.  Most times I go see the doctor my symptoms disappear the day I get the appointment so I was hesitant to make an appointment when I felt fine.  In the course of the day my head did start hurting a bit but tylenol (I can take them during the day...just not at night with my tramadol) got rid of it and it hasn't come back.

I will keep an eye on things, though and go to the dr if it doesn't improve further.

I realized last night I haven't knit a stitch for a week or so.  That's how bad I've been feeling.  Tonight I intend to do a lot of knitting while watching Inspector Frost.  I have 4 seasons that came in all at once and they're due back on Saturday.  I doubt I can renew them, although I will try.  In the meantime, I'll go blind having a Frost marathon.  As my dvr inventory gets full, no doubt.

I'm hoping to catch up a bit on the house tomorrow now that I'm feeling a bit better.  It's really gotten away from me, although I've kept up with the dishes and the laundry.  Those evil dust elephants keep coming around though so I have to dispatch them before they take over.  Plus I hope to get back to spending time doing productive things, like my crafts and writing and getting my seeds ready.

Being sick sucks.

Off to fix supper and then to bed to watch Frost and knit.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:::this is me, zipping my lips:::