Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wider awake Wednesday

Oh my sweet Bob!  Fifty-five degrees F here and I was outside without a coat on.  I know it won't last but it was a sweet gift just the same.  I even forgot to turn the furnace on this morning and was walking around without my housecoat on.  I was also kicking the covers off and wondering if I needed to get the fan out.  I'm opting for fewer clothes tonight instead.

I'm feeling so much better, even with marginally more energy.  Tomorrow Zach and I have a plan of attack on cleaning house and getting him some new shoes.  I found some at StuffMart that fit well and feel good so I can start walking again. 

I'm debating turning my bedroom back into the living room because the crowded conditions of both rooms really bothers me.  On the other hand, I won't have a bedroom if I do that.  The little extra room upstairs smells too bad from Tom's smoking and I'm still not good on stairs so that's not an option.  I could go back to making up the couch every night but I'm sleeping so well right now I don't want to mess with that.  I know we'll never move from here so I just have to get used to the tiny-ness of it all.  I mean, we've been here for about 12 or 13 years as it is.

I would love to have a more open feel because this place makes me feel very claustrophobic with all the furniture we have.  I don't have many options though.

My birds are back eating at the feeder right now and I've seen the squirrels out and about.  And much to my dismay, so has Professor.  He's quite vocal about them being in his yard.  His yard being as far as his eye can see.  But it's sure nice to see the ground instead of all the white.  Another few days like this and it will almost be gone.

I'm going to stop taking my allergy medicine for a few days and see if I'm good without it.  I have no pain, no stuffiness and I just don't want to keep taking it if I don't need to.  If the headaches come back, I'll go back on it immediately but I'm feeling so much better that I don't want to keep on with it if I don't need to.

I'm off to go read for a while before I fix supper, which will be hamburgers and something else because I just got in from the store and I'm feeling very unimaginative.  Tomorrow I'll fix some pork chops I got on sale, but tonight is quick fix supper night.


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