Saturday, October 23, 2010

Imagine me being too busy to go online

I forgot to go online until supper.  Seriously.  I forgot.  I was so busy today I didn't even think of it. And I like it!

I didn't get to sleep until about 2:30 a.m. so I made sure to sleep enough to get my 8 hours, which I did.  I'm feeling much better for it although the energy is still at a minimum range.  But the depression isn't as bad and that makes a world of difference.

I got up and started working on my bedroom, and almost immediately I found the power cord for my phone.  Right after I bought a universal power cord yesterday.  Fortunately it's still in the packaging so it will go back to the store tomorrow.  Then I spent a long time sorting out my armoire, tossing things I don't need anymore, putting things into a bag for the thrift store or throwing out.  That took all morning until I looked at the clock and saw we were going to miss the aluminum can guy unless we got moving.  So Zach went out and loaded up the car with cans and we headed off to the parking lot where he shows up every other Saturday.

Only to sit and wait...and wait...and wait behind a guy who apparently forgot to sort his recyclables until they got poured in the bins for weighing.  The recycle guy was digging in pulling out plastic bottles and steel cans.  And trash.  This took about 25 minutes.

Finally it was our turn and we were swift and efficient.  I could tell he liked us.  We walked away with $24 which I stuck in my wallet and then drove across the parking lot to the thrift store to see if there was anything I liked there.  Tons of Halloween stuff and I might go back and get a little statuette of a witch that I liked.  And there was an antique gas stove that I would have loved to have but it was display only.  Not that we could have afforded it.  I'm pretty sure that one would be in the 5 digits.

I found a square black candle there.  I had been wanting one for my altar but you don't find them anywhere around here.  I've got a few black votive candles specifically for Halloween but they reek like licorice so I plan on using them outdoors for Samhain.  The original price on the candle was $7 but I got it for $1.99.  Not a bad price at all.  I saw a table I would have loved to have for my altar but it was $80 and no way am I going to pay that much for an altar table.

I spent the rest of the afternoon darning socks and sorting more stuff in my armoire and as soon as I'm done here I'll go back and tackle the drawers.  I'm at the point where I'm stuffing clothes in because they're no room otherwise so it's time to sort and minimize.  And hopefully find the mates to the socks I darned.

I made progress on the mitten and dragon scarf last night.  I started the flap on the mitten and am almost done with the dragon so I can spend endless hours knitting stockinette for a while.  Tonight will be finishing up the mitten and the dragon, then moving on to the houndstooth sweater tomorrow.

Getting organized always makes me feel better.  I need to be systematic about it and move from room to room.  That way I completely finish up a room instead of having bits and pieces done.  I know I will sleep much better tonight knowing my room is better organized.  I do have to do a lot of dusting tomorrow though.  I don't keep up with that enough.

I noticed the bird bath on its side this afternoon.  I can't imagine the size of the bird who tipped it over, but I suspect it was a larger mammal instead.  The neighbor lets his rottweilers run loose in the middle of the night so they get exercise and I'm guessing one got carried away.  It's okay with us that he does this.  These are really good dogs and need some exercise and since they don't cause us any bother, why not?  These are the dogs that hide behind the tree when Professor barks at them.

Well, it's time to get back to work and sign off.  I have to say I'm really enjoying my time offline more and more although I do find it necessary to keep up with various things online.  So I won't be signing off permanently.  I'm also finding Ravelry less and less interesting.  Aside from the patterns, that is.  I'm enjoying not getting in the middle of controversy all the time.  Imagine that.

So, off to get into my pajamas and finish darning and cleaning my drawers out and then the Ghost Adventures marathon I've dvr'd or The Last Detective I got from the library.


1 comment:

knittingdragonflies said...

Glad to hear your getting some knitting done. I can't seem to get in the mood!