Friday, November 5, 2010

Useless me

I talked to a cashier at StuffMart today who also has fibromyalgia and has just taken two months off from work because of the pain and fatigue.  She's thinking of trying to get disability since work is torture for her.  It made me feel a bit better about not functioning much to know that others suffer like I do.  Not that I like it that they're suffering, but it's nice not to feel all alone.  There are many of us who can't hold down a job and yet can't get disability (in my case because I haven't worked in 22 years) and who are made to feel like we're just lazy.  If we would just take the advice of those who are remarkably healthy, our lives would be not only back to normal, but better than we could ever imagine.  I have some sisters-in-law who whisper behind another sil's back that she "loves" her pain meds too much.  I say if you've never experienced chronic pain that saps your energy and leaves you an outcast of society because you can't participate, then shut your frelling mouth because you don't have a clue.

Yes, I'm snarky today and for no good reason.  Except I'm tired of not getting anything done.  I did get sleep the past couple of nights but I'm not getting anything done except for some knitting and napping.  I feel useless.

I still have winterizing to do and need to wash and hang out a load of clothes but I am seriously drained of energy and don't know how to fix it.  And no, don't tell me any of Dr. Oz's surefire cures for fatigue.  I'm not interested in fad science. 

Tonight's supper will be soup and sandwiches because I just can't get up the energy to fix anything more complicated.  I'm ready for bed and as soon as I finish up supper, that's where I'm going.  I'm hoping this is just a flare-up and not the measure of my life from now on.

In the meantime I'll avoid my in-laws and family members who think if I would just follow their advice, I'd been bouncing off the walls with so much energy.  All I want to do is stay in bed for a week.  What little I do manage to accomplish wears me out as if I had been out digging ditches.


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