Sunday, November 21, 2010

No countdown this year

I'm just not up to it.  Maybe next year I'll do a deer widow countdown again but I'm tired and cranky and still not feeling up to par.

I may have actually reached the pinnacle of this danged flu or whatever.  It's developed into a sinus infection at this stage so I'm still coughing and have a headache on one side (where the infection is) but I'm taking whatever is necessary to get rid of it. 

I managed to get some plastic up on the bathroom window amidst some very bad language due to the tape not sticking after I attached the plastic to it and then getting all tangled up in plastic and tape.  I finally took a scrubbie from the kitchen and "sanded" down the paint a bit and the next time it stuck.  I've gotten the worst windows covered now and will try to tackle one window a day until I've got them all.

Beyond that I haven't managed to get much done in the way of cleaning.  I got my room a bit straightened up and moved the bed away from the wall and window so I can set out a humane mouse trap sometime after this week.  I'm not focusing too well just yet so I don't want to forget the poor thing and leave him to starve in the trap.  They've got them at StuffMart for under $5, which surprised me.  (To avoid getting hits from people who are looking to put the hate on a certain superstore, I've changed the name to protect my blood pressure.)

I managed to trash my flannel sheets over the summer.  They fell off the chair I had them stacked on and got wet and the mildew ate through them so I ended up buying some knit sheets for $20 today.  I can use these year-round, but it gets mighty cold at night here and those cool, crisp cotton sheets won't do.  I got bright red because it was better than black or white...the only other colors available for a full sized bed.

Zach has been working steadily today doing his chores, which let me off the hook for a day or two.  Tomorrow I need to get busy on the kitchen and living room though.  I don't rest easily if the house is cluttered.  The kitchen floor badly needs mopping and since Tom isn't here to spill kool aid on it as soon as I'm done, I think I'll be able to enjoy it beyond one day.

I'm making progress on my mom's new mittens/flaps.  I'm going to frog the hat I made myself because it doesn't fit well and looks terrible on me.  I'll dig through my patterns to find something that doesn't have ribbing.  Any hat that has ribbing just rides up my head and slides off.  Apparently my head is shaped wrong for hats or something.  I'm also working on a ripple afghan and am more than halfway done on it.  I got more yarn today that should be enough to finish it up.  I hope so anyway.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it but I'll probably just put it up in a plastic bag and save it in case I need a gift.

I also started my mom's scarf...just a 2X2 ribbed scarf of 32 stitches.  I've got one and love it because it's double the weight and reversible and tends to stay in place better than a wider one.

I've been watching documentaries and Doctor Who all weekend, getting lots of knitting done.  I also managed to dry a load on the clothesline yesterday.  I brought it in as the sun was setting because I didn't figure it would dry anymore during the night and rain was predicted for later today.  It was a good thing I did as it rained before I got up and has been misty all day.  Only a few things were a bit damp and I hung them on hangars under the heating vent in the kitchen and they dried quite soon.

I just got back from the store stocking up on munchies and quick meals to fix while Tom is gone.  It's as close as I get to a vacation so I'm taking advantage of it.  But this year we won't eat out as much.  Zach wants pizza from Pizza Hut so we'll grab one to take home, saving on the sodas that cost at least $2 or so apiece.

Well, I'm coughing again and starting to feel crummy so I'm off to bed for more crocheting or knitting and maybe an early night.  Okay, probably not an early night.  I tried that last night and woke up coughing after about 20 minutes and was up until the wee hours after that.  I'll just stay awake until I fall asleep from sheer fatigue.


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