Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Short and not so sweet

What a bad night!  I was up until 5 a.m. with pain from the fibromyalgia.  For the first time, I took 3 pain pills plus the tylenol I always start out with.  To be frank, the time between the first and the third was about 4 hours, but's never taken that many to dull the pain before.  It's not a sharp, intense pain, but a dull ache that goes to the bone.  Plus the Restless Leg Syndrome in there makes for a miserable experience.

As a result, I'm dragging today.  I took one mini-nap earlier but I'm ready to go down again.  If I could just keep Professor quiet enough.  He keeps waking me up barking at the kids out there.  Ooops.  Just looked at the clock and I don't have time.  I have to get ready to take Zach to school.

Well, maybe just a quick snooze.


1 comment:

knittingdragonflies said...

Oh poor you. I know my cousin has this. Hope you are better by now