Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Why does one room get dirty when you clean another one?

I worked on my bedroom/living room again today. I didn't rearrange much; just moved the table the mice were on under a different window so I had more room if I leave the bed made up. And I dusted and vacuumed with more care than usual. I don't know what it is about a messy room, but I just don't sleep well in one. I'm not sure what I believe about feng shui but there is something about being in a room that makes you uncomfortable.

This is Zach's last week of work at McSnacky's. They didn't schedule him for his last week. I was pretty sure they wouldn't since they were only giving him 2 hours a day a couple of times a week. It's not like they considered him a critical worker. He told me that the managers sort of ganged up on another worker last time he worked and did to him what they did to Zach only in reverse. He was told not to jump in the line and find work but stay at his station. They got all frothy at the mouth over it like they did with Zach. This kid was used to having 20 hours a week last summer and has done well to get 10 this summer. I think it's horrendous how kids are being treated at these places. It's like they aren't real people.

I am beginning to wish I was a morning person. The other morning when I was still awake when the birds started singing and the sky was turning blue, I thought how nice it would be to wake up and have this be my beginning, when the day is brand new. Instead I wake up when it's stale. I don't know what it would take to get myself to that state. Probably medication.

But I also love the night. I love it when the day shuts down and it gets quiet and the night birds begin their song. I love to watch the bats swoop down chasing after mosquitoes. I always root for the bats. Living on a marsh means we get more than our fair share of mosquitoes. To the degree that it's hard to step outside your house without being lathered up with bug spray. I would definitely spend more time outdoors if it weren't for the critters that bite and spread West Nile virus, which has been documented in this state.

I've got tons of books to read and lots to knit so I'm going to bed. I hope to get a lot of work done inside tomorrow. I think all the clutter in this house is really interfering with my calm. I hope to find a new home for some of it and soon.


1 comment:

knittingdragonflies said...

I think it is dirty elves. They go around in the night and mess things up.