Saturday, December 12, 2009

The end of an era

I thought that after driving Zach to school for his last class I would be over the moon but it was rather anti-climactic. Maybe it will hit me next week when I don't have to drive him to school on Monday and Tuesday.

I took 151 up because the city roads here were packed snow over ice so I didn't want to have to face that each time I went through another city on the way up there. Thankfully the freeway was clear until we got to Fond du Lac and then only a couple of bridges had some snow on them.

But I've spent the day on my bed dozing and thinking about taking a pain pill now or waiting until later. Later won. I just finished supper (bacon and eggs...the lazy meal) so I'm planning on a scalding shower and then the pain pill and a relaxing night in bed, knitting socks and watching Farscape season one (finally got it from the library...took me a long time to get it.)

We're going to have to leave early tomorrow for church because more snow is predicted tonight along with the possibility of sleet. I'm going to need time to shovel the driveway apron if the snow plow comes through.

I've decided against any animals in my urban farm. It just wouldn't be a good fit for us and would limit my choices in the future. As it is, I think the garden will be plenty of work for me as I plan on using a huge chunk of the backyard, including the slopes for fruit bushes and the area behind the garage for herbs. The notion of chickens is romantic but not practical considering the cost versus income. I don't know a lot of people so I can't imagine who I would sell the eggs to, plus we have some large dogs in our neighborhood who have been known to run loose, not to mention hawks and coyotes not too far from our neighborhood (we live near the edge of town.) I feel like I just got my freedom after raising my son and don't want to be in bondage to animals (beyond my lord and master, Professor.)

I have plans for much baking next week. I've got a taste for apple/walnut cake and I need to make up some tortillas and a loaf or two of bread. And I've been thinking about chicken and home made noodles, too. I can remember my mother making noodles when I was a little girl. I've made them several times in the past few years but not lately.

I've been keeping the thermostat sitting on 60F in the daytime because I just can't take the cold this year but I think I'm going to keep nighttime temps at 55 because Zach was really cold last night. I woke up shivering and had to locate the top blanket that had fallen off the bed. The car will be paid off in a month or two so we might be able to catch up then. In the meantime, we'll have to either bite the bullet even harder or dip into savings. We won't have the extra $80 or so gas money to drive Zach to school so that will help. And hopefully I can catch up next summer and replenish savings.

Off to do up the dishes and get ready for bed. It's not even 6 p.m. but one of my favorite things is to finish up my work and crawl into bed and knit while watching television.


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