Friday, November 27, 2009

Day seven of the deer widow's vacation

Yes, I missed blogging about day six and not because I was planted on the couch,bloated from a Thanksgiving Day feast. I cooked a regular meal of broiled pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy and corn...and didn't allow myself to overdo it at all. No, I just didn't feel like being online much yesterday. Oh, the computer was on, and I was signed on to places like facebook and Ravelry, but I spent most of the day watching the House Hunters marathon and knitting. Not good to leave the computer on all day, I know. A terrible waste of energy and I won't let it happen again.

My wrists didn't bother me at all yesterday, thankfully, but I didn't knit nonstop like I did Wednesday. Frequent breaks to shake my wrists out and rest them helped, I think.

Wednesday night I was flipping through the channels and saw that Lil Abner was going to be on AMC. I squeed a bit and then sat down to watch it since I haven't seen it in probably 30+ years. Then not even halfway through, the channel lost the signal which lasted until the end of the movie. Rats! So I finished up Star Trek Voyager instead.

I watched A Touch of Frost, season 1 last night and wished I had gotten more than one season because I just love that show, but it was probably for the best because I managed to get to bed before midnight and would have made it to sleep as well if not for a certain dog who shall remain nameless wanting to go out just as I was drifting off. But I did make it to sleep before 12:30 a.m. and slept until about 2:30 or so when said dog wanted out again. Slept like a dream until about 4:30 when a certain nameless cat decided he wanted to sleep cuddled in my arms and took five minutes deciding what position he should sleep in. At that point I turned off the alarm. I ended up sleeping in until nearly 9 a.m. so I should feel pretty rested. But I don't.

Ah, well. In time, I should get used to my new sleep patterns. There will be a problem when Tom goes back to work and I have to deal with him coming in at 1 a.m. He does try to be quiet but I am a light sleeper.

I thought about hanging a load of clothes out today but it's after 10 a.m. and still only 33 degrees F. I don't know how people managed pre-dryer days unless they hung their clothes out in the house all winter long. It is sunny and windy today so it's likely they would dry in one day's time, but I can't manage to force my body to go out there and hang up wet clothes in a cold wind. Even with my mitts on. I know I should, though, instead of using the dryer. They take so long to dry in the house because we don't keep the house very warm and with no wind, they just sit on the racks and wait until the water evaporates out of them. Ah, heck. I might hang them out after all. The forecast looks sunny for the next few days. And I'm well-known for leaving my clothes out overnight.

Well, off to get a lot done today, hopefully. I plan on focusing on the kitchen today: organizing the pantry and cleaning out the refrigerator, mopping floors and some baking: bread, scones, muffins maybe. Keeping busy does help me endure the cold a bit better. Plus, I really need to finish up the winterizing today. And Supernatural, season 2 today but not tonight because tonight is Ghost Whisperer, Medium, Sanctuary and Stargate: Universe.


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