Saturday, June 2, 2012

Things are looking up

Better news about my mother.  The confusion seems to be easing off and it was never total.  Instead it was limited to her surroundings and location, which the dr says will probably go away after she comes home in a week.  She's getting her physical therapy to strengthen her legs and will be able to come  home on time.  Good news indeed.  Unfortunately dialysis will be a part of her life from now on.

Apparently one of her kidneys shut down due to being full of kidney stones.  I was trying to remember a time when my mother ever had any back pain, and there was one time I can remember when she had to take off work for a couple of days and stay in bed, but that was it.  But then, my mother never complained about pain much at all.

I'm making progress on the Greek Key afghan.  Past the learning stage of the color pattern and can now whip through it.  Right now I'm working on plain stockinette stitch without any pattern so I'm making better time.  I've knitted up a few more dishcloths and might do even more if I ever find my cotton yarn.  Still don't know where it is.  I vaguely remember it being in a bag of some kind.  But I've looked in all the bags I can find and no cotton yarn.  I've also looked through all my bins and can't find it either.  It will show up after I get back from Indiana, no doubt.

I slept about 11 hours last night but not deeply so I'm still very tired today.  I could go back to sleep, in fact.  But I won't.  I want to sleep tonight and hopefully sleep better so I can function again.  I've talked to the dr about my insomnia before but she insists it's from depression and won't offer anything since I can't take antidepressants, although she wants me to stop the pain pills and take the anti-depressants.  Not going to happen.  I can manage the depression better than I can incessant pain.  I've done both and the pain wears me out as much as the depression does.  Plus, the pain causes depression.  In fact, I'm having trouble maintaining my pain now because the pain pills don't always do anything for the pain.  Last night I ended up taking 4 pills overnight.  Two at a time because the pain was so bad.  Weather change, maybe, but certainly painful.

Well, off to knit and maybe some laundry.  It's piling up and eventually we're going to need clean clothes so...


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