Friday, April 2, 2010

Aaron and Bonnie

I'm feeling a bit better today. I managed to stay awake all day yesterday and although I wanted to get to bed early I had to finish up a dvd that was due back at the library and couldn't be renewed. But I slept well and a bit late. I even stayed in bed for a while after I woke up, watching the weather channel and enjoying the forecast. I may have turned a corner on whatever this has been that has knocked me on my rear end.

I stayed awake today, too, although I'm really tired. But I still have a bit more energy than I've had for the whole of the past week.

Wednesday I had to do some shopping and while Zach and I were in StuffMart, a man walked up to us and said, "Hi, Aaron. Hi, Bonnie." Zach and I looked at each other. Looked around. Looked at the man. Then back at each other. Then he said, "You're not Aaron and Bonnie?" We both shook our heads no (in a state of total confusion) and he yelled back at some older woman, "It's not Aaron and Bonnie!"

So now Zach and I call each other Aaron and Bonnie. I've never had that happen to me before.

It really was the high point of my week.

I got 4 blueberry bushes this week and hope to plant them this weekend some time. I love blueberries and blackberries but really don't care for raspberries at all. I also have some strawberries to plant as well. I'm keeping the fruit and herbs in the area behind the garage so I've got room in the main part of the yard for veg and tobacco. My re-planted tomatoes are coming up faster than the first planted group did. Still waiting on the bell peppers though.

We've got some branches and stuff that I'm going to ask Tom to burn in our "fire pit/Weber grill" sometime this weekend as well. Tobacco needs ash in the soil. We should have enough to do the job since we've been accumulating it for several summers. I might sneak across the street and steal the branches our neighbor has laid out. Especially since the city doesn't pick up branches in the spring. They'll be there all summer long.

The skies are darkening up with a promise of rain. I don't mind so much after all this wonderful sunshine. And Easter has a promise of sun and warmth so a few days of the wet stuff isn't so bad.

Well, I've used up all my energy for now so I'm going to lie down for a bit before cooking supper. Kosher hot dogs, sauerkraut and mashed potatoes for supper tonight.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy, glad to hear its starting to warm up up there. Starting to cool down down here which is good. Just enjoying our Easter break....far to much choccie!!! Knitting time down under yay!! Have had trouble with Internet Explorer shutting down a lot on Blogger! Really annoying

Best wishes Anne fron Oz