Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm hiding all the dog toys tonight

I survived my birthday and my annual physical. I think. I have to go for an abdominal ultrasound because the dr found something "firm" in my lower belly and since I'm at risk for ovarian cancer, we don't take any chances. She didn't seem panic'd and she's known for sending me to a specialist for everything so I won't panic until I need to. And I probably won't need to.

I broke down and bought a barking collar for Professor. He's back to barking at night, when Tom isn't playing ball with him on the floor by my bed while I'm trying to sleep, and I just can't do this anymore. It sprays a lemon mist into the dog's face so I hope that will work for him. He's not been known to respond to the spray bottle but I hope this works. They only are supposed to wear the collar for 8 hours out of 24 so I'm choosing the nighttime hours.

The dr really yelled at me this time about my weight. Maybe she thought I needed it but she's never had a weight problem in her life and doesn't understand that yelling doesn't help. I'm annoyed more than angry but I can tell you that it didn't change anything in me. I know I need to lose weight. I also know that diets don't work. I've just got to the stage where I'm maintaining my weight but if I had to start counting calories or monitoring what I eat again, that will put me back to thinking about food nonstop and that means I'm back in bondage to food. I just got out of that jail and I'm not going back.

Now I'm working on adding physical activity. Which is hard when you're sleep deprived (that little game of ball woke me up and I ended up getting back to sleep at 5 a.m. until 8:30 when Professor woke me up and wouldn't let me go back to sleep.) But I'm working on those baby steps and I refuse to let anyone push me or bully me again.

And I woke up with the left side of my neck and shoulder muscle tight as a drum and I can barely move my head. Just hat I needed.

I finally decided on a pattern for the cardigan. Oblique by Veronik Avery. So far so good although I'm still on the ribbing. I did some spinning this afternoon but had to stop and go get my blood pressure medicine that they didn't call in yesterday. I plan on doing some more after supper, which I'm cooking right now. Hamburgers, mashed potatoes and cole slaw. Really unimaginative but I'm sleep deprived...remember?

I plan on getting a lot done this weekend instead of spending time online. I need the solitude in my bedroom because I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the stress in my life. It seems like knitting or spinning or reading while spending time away from everyone is a solution to that stress. We'll see.

On the birthday front, I got two Star Trek best of dvds and the first season of SG-1. Stargate was from Zach. I spent the day in the commons area of Zach's school knitting, reading and watching Dead Like Me and Babylon 5 on It's not ideal but at least I have things to do while I wait. And this is hopefully the last semester. Next year is mine.

It's looking like rain tonight. The rain barrel has another leak in the bottom of it. Such a disappointment when you try to do the right thing and end up must throwing money away. I'm hoping we can just put a false bottom in and seal it somehow because I do intend to have a garden next year and I need to save the rain for watering it.

Off to finish up supper and then more loads of laundry before bedtime.


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