Tuesday, March 27, 2012

More of the same

I hadn't planned on going anywhere today but we were out of some key items so I made a trip to the store.  I behaved myself and didn't get much more than I needed.  Well, not very much more. 

Another night of several interruptions to my sleep.  Professor wanted out four times and wanted food twice.  I let him out for potty purposes but didn't give him any food.  He has dry food available at all times and he had a couple of treats from the night before he hadn't eaten.  I don't want to encourage him to wake me up for food.  It's bad enough I have to get up to let him out.

And he still used his potty papers as well.

So I'm dragging and plan on going to bed very soon.  I'm not even going to wait for the sun to go down.  Probably won't knit tonight because I'm that tired.

I just got some store brand pizzas for supper.  Zach can fix Tom's; he's already had his pizza.  Hopefully tomorrow I'll be rested enough to get done all the work I need to, including the taxes.  How I hate to do those.

So...off to get ready for bed.


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