Thursday, April 23, 2009

Trying to change myself yet again

Warmth again.

I'm hoping it's here to stay although in August I might be ready for cooler weather again.  I'm just as fickle as the next person. 

I'm just sayin'.

Blew the whole day running errands again.  And I only had enough energy for that.  I went to sleep early last night but woke up when Tom got home and intermittently until he went to bed himself. Then at around 2:30 woke up with pain and couldn't get back to sleep.  It wasn't agonizing so I just took some tylenol and waited until the pain went away.

While waiting I watched Run Fatboy Run on OnDemand.  Loved it.  I'm a Simon Pegg fan though.  And Dylan Moran is one of my favorites.  I need to get Black Books from the library again.

I ended up sleeping until 11 a.m.  Can't remember the last time that happened.

I found my old art books so I'm excited to get back to drawing from them.  The stuff I got from the library is pretty basic and not what I'm looking for.  Unfortunately I didn't have time to do any drawing today because of the errands and all.  Tomorrow I plan on hanging out clothes and working in the yard but I intend to set aside some time in the afternoon when my energy wanes to draw.  The light will be better that time of day.  I also got Sister Wendy's History of Art to look through.  

I've decided to go aspertame free.  I don't know if I'll succeed but I'm going to try giving up diet sodas.  There are many benefits to that goal, including not having to carry the cartons in and have them come unglued so the cans race down the hill into the road.  Or what to do with all the empty cans.  I admit I'm addicted to the bite that carbonation has but I'll learn to live without it. I hope, anyway.

But in looking at other things I use to substitute sugar in my diet, aspertame is one of the most prevalent so shopping was longer today because I was reading a lot of labels.  I did succeed but I bought items that had spenda in them instead.  I can't have the sugar because of my diabetes so I need some kind of option that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

I tried to buy healthier foods today and still not break the bank but the final tally was still a bit staggering.  

Tom made a crack today about him hoping I would have found a job where I could have benefits, which you only get if you work full-time.  He says he understands about the fibromyalgia but I guess he doesn't.  Not really.  Not to mention how I would work full-time and still ferry him and Zach around when we're frequently down to one car.

I knew he didn't get it.  He never has.  When I was going through chemo he accused me of being selfish and lazy.  Why should I believe he understands about the fibromyalgia?

Well, off to wash and hang out a load of clothes and fix a vegetarian supper.  I'm going to work on cutting meat out of my diet as well.  And I like to hang clothes out at night because the morning dew softens them so much.



knittingdragonflies said...

Sounds like you are pursuing some good changes. I also consume alot of aspartamine. The only thing that can help with your mate is your reaction to him. After a round of Alanon, (not that he drinks) it teaches you that you can only change how you react to him.
Keep smiling

Kathy said...

It didn't work out too well. I'm back on the diet sodas.

I know what you mean. I've known for a long time he won't change, that this is who he really is. All I can do is try to learn to live with it. Which, for the most part, I do. But since he tends to waver between complete withdrawal from us to wanting us to be one big happy family, it's hard to keep up. No, he's not bipolar. There are no huge mood swings. It's just that he doesn't know what he wants but wants us to cater to whatever that is at the moment.