Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Feels like the weekend to me

Zach registered for his fall classes today.  Two days in Fond du Lac at least.  One day in Beaver Dam. Two of the classes don't have dates yet so I hope there is no conflict since he has to have those classes.  The other networking classes he needs won't be available until the spring semester.  They changed the way they did things, moving to a block schedule so some classes are only available in the fall and others only available in the spring.  Which is going to make it not only difficult to get the classes but also to to make sure you're carrying a full load for scholarship purposes.  We had to dig to find 12 hours for him to take.

I want him to contact his advisor on the dates though.  How the heck can you register if you don't know when the classes are?

He's also trying to get his internship done this fall and so those dates are in the air as well.

He's paying for the services of an advisor so he needs to stop trying to do things on his own and use her.  Or him.  He has two degrees he's working toward.  If everything works out, he'll be done with his tech support degree after the fall semester.  But he's not sure if he can get one class he needs in the spring semester because the class and its pre-requisite are both available in the fall.  If they're only going to be available once a year, does that make sense?

I moved my bed again.  Tom's mouth got tight when he saw it because he doesn't like it when I move furniture, even if it is my own room (which, technically I don't have.)  The bed was butted up against an ungrounded electrical outlet and it made me nervous to have the bedspread pushed into it.  I worried about sparking and bedclothes catching fire.  The post that holds the couch up when it's in bed position broke off and Tom duct-taped a piece of wood onto it so the wood shifts now and then and the bed falls down about six inches, which is unnerving in the middle of the night so when I tried to move the bed away from the outlet it would shift sometime in the night, the wood would slip and I'd be back where I started.  Plus, trying to prop up my pillows (I have to sleep nearly sitting up due to acid reflux) put me on the frame to the window. Which is about 4 inches wide.  

Now, I'm against a wall, and the frame of the couch won't let the mattress reach the outlet so I'm safe.  And because more of the couch is on the carpet instead of the wood floor, it doesn't shift as much so the wooden post stays in place.  

I slept so good last night.  I had not been sleeping well because I kept waiting for the bed to shift or fall or the pillows would slip out from under me and I'd end up lying flat.  Last night I didn't have any of those worries.

Plus, I could see the television better from my bed and that's nothing to sneeze at.

Did I wake up refreshed and rested?  Nope.  But at least I was able to get through the day with only a 15 minute nap.  Okay, it would have been longer but there was a squirrel in the tree outside the window and Professor went ballistic.

But not as ballistic as when the mailman letter carrier came.

Have I mentioned before that one of my pet peeves is when someone drives on a freeway using their bright lights.  As if the person in front of them isn't affected, or the person driving across the median from them isn't either.  This woman had her brights on and was in the left lane, right on my left back corner, wouldn't pass me but just sat there keeping pace with me.  I slowed down because I just couldn't see the road from the glare in my side mirror, but she slowed down when I did.  I almost had to stop to get her to pass me.


I wasn't a happy driver today.

But I am a happy knitter.  I started on the beaded scarf that I won on a blog contest a long time ago.  And it's going beautifully.  I take back what I said about working with beads.  This is great. I'll try to get a picture of it tomorrow since we found the camera (it was "lost" in Zach's comment on the state of cleanliness in there.  Not all people with OCD are clean freaks.  Some need their clutter.)

Still working on the baby blanket.  I got the pattern off the ball band from a Bernat's Baby yarn. I really like the pattern:  it's a two row pattern that's a piece of cake to memorize and although I have to throw instead of knit continental, and I do have to really watch when I'm knitting the pattern row, it's still interesting enough to keep me from being bored and I love the way it looks. Maybe I'll get a picture of it as well.

Saturday Zach has a class in West Bend and they're doing lunch afterward so I plan on hitting Hobby Lobby.  I don't get there very often anymore since Zach got his braces off so I plan on looking at the art supplies as well as yarn.  I'd love to knit some socks but I don't know if they have sock yarn there.  I'm not interested in purchasing any more worsted weight until I can use up a bunch of what I already have.  Not to mention the cost.  But a pair of socks on hand works out well for an unexpected gift.

I plan on buying a water barrel this year.  I can order one from StuffMart for a reasonable price. I've been looking around and saw some but I don't know the company and don't want to risk losing time or money with someone I don't know.  My empty purse has made me more wary of online stores.  But we get a lot of runoff from our roof and I'd like to put it to good use.  And with the garden going in, I'm going to need it.  I'm planning on trying to get rid of the sod this weekend.  What's under that will determine whether or not we need a roto-tiller.  I'm thinking we will since we have a lot of clay.  My plants are coming along nicely in their pots.  I still don't know what's planted where though.  I should have labeled them, but I was so sure I would remember.  

I'm also going to get my hostas and elephant ears in the ground this weekend.  I think we might be done with freezing weather but I think at this stage I can just cover them if I need to. According to the zone charts, I should be able to plant now.

I plan on having two separate gardens.  One is for vegetables and the other for herbs and sunflowers and regular flowers.  I'm thinking of putting strawberries in the latter garden.  I also need to pick up another grape vine this year.  And get my fruit spikes in the ground.  I didn't get any pruning done, dang it, so the apples will be tiny and inedible again.  I'm thinking this is the last year for the pear tree because it has lichens on it so bad, which seems to be an indication of a tree's ill health.  The wood doesn't look good at all.  But then, I really don't like pears.  I've never eaten them.  We mostly just give them away.  Although last year there weren't enough to give.

Today is Tom's birthday...and Stephen's as well.  We didn't get Tom anything because he's going up north this coming weekend and the gas and money for food is his present this year.  My firstborn is mumbly years old today.  Much older than I want to believe.  He's grown into quite a man, I must say.  I'm so proud of him.

Well, I don't have to go pick Tom up tonight so I'm going to crawl into bed and knit on the scarf and the blanket until my stomach settles down so I can sleep.  I keep telling myself not to eat after 7 p.m. but I never seem to listen.  At least I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow.  I can if I want to but I don't have to.

Off to bed to listen to LOTR commentary and knit away.  I won't need the extra blanket tonight and might even have to use the fan.  I love not hearing the furnace kick on.


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