Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Did I really say I liked winter best?

I was so pleased with myself yesterday for buying some lined curtains to help with the heating bills but Tom's reaction was that we can't afford it since we have to buy all new tires for the car. I pointed out the savings involved and he seemed to be okay with it after that.

He had to make the appointment at a time during which he will be asleep so I'll be taking the car in. Zach and I just dug the car out of the snow (at least 5 inches, if not more) and lo! and behold! the right front tire was really low. Enough so that I took it and put more air in it now instead of waiting for this evening when I'll take the car in. I'll be holding my breath until I get it to Fleet Farm.

After which I will go and buy the remaining panel for the living room and a set of lined curtains for Zach's room as well. His room has no curtains either and is one of the coldest rooms in the house. And this is a wise investment since I don't know if I can get those curtains again in the future or even get them at the price they are now.

I'm so close to finishing Zach's sleeve that I should be done with it tonight. Then seaming and hiding ends. I love the seaming but hiding ends...not so much. Then I intend to start on some of the UFOs I have lying around the house. Like the neckwarmer and the mittens. I blew out the fingers on my store-bought gloves from last year so I'm wearing the wool gloves I knitted last winter. They are warm unless it's bitterly cold and then nothing seems to help. Stranded mittens might be warmer since my individual fingers can warm each other up.

More than halfway done with Torchwood season one. I've reached an episode I haven't seen yet since we had to give up BBCA midseason. Now everything is new to me.

Zach has one more class on Thursday unless it gets canceled. We're expecting 9 inches of snow then and I'm not sure I want to get stranded up in FDL so I'm hoping they decide it's not a good idea to have people on the road. Oh, heck. I know I don't want to get stranded up in FDL.

Off to play some more Animal Crossing with Zach. We take turns on it and it's my turn now. I just paid off my mortgage and had some construction work done on my home so now I've got another loan to pay off. Why on earth is this fun? is.

Oh, and a by the way...yesterday the hits on my blog really went up so I checked and I've gotten a lot of hits from people googling ravelry rubberneckers. No idea what's going on someplace that they're talking about it but someone somewhere is. And people seem to be curious about it.

Don't you hate it when you can't find out the why?


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