Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunny sunshine

Life doesn't seem nearly as bleak when the sun is shining.

Tom might disagree with me as he is still struggling with the brakes.  Apparently the caliper on the left front tire is different...meaning, I suppose...the wrong one.  So instead of going to the caliper store to get the right one, he is still banging and swearing, trying to make this one fit.  I'm pretty sure this is a Y chromosome thing.  I could be wrong.

I cheated on the baby hats last night and worked on the shawl.  I'll get back to baby hats tonight though but I think I'm going to have to stray from time to time to keep from getting bored.  I have a short attention span.

I finished the third season of Doctor Who and am officially a fan.  But I still think I love Torchwood better.  But just by a smidgen.  I'm squeeing because the library got seasons 3 through 6 of A Touch of Frost in.  I watched two episodes last night instead of getting the sleep I needed since I had to get up early for church.  I did try to sleep.  I really did, but it took a while. I need to put a hold on season 4 because I'll be done by Monday and since it's spring break I hope to get a lot of knitting done since I won't be on the road driving back and forth.

Oh, and they also got set 10 of Midsomer Murders in.  I'm on the list, of course.  Don't know how long I'll have to wait since the checkout is for two weeks and I don't know where I am on the list, but I'm patient and will watch Frost until it comes in.

Plus I've got Buffy at home.

Church today was wonderful as usual.  I'm feeling much better spiritually although I have yet to discipline myself for setting aside time daily.  Maybe this week I'll be able to set up some kind of routine.  I also need to get back to piano.  I'm pretty sure I'll have to start at the beginning because it's been so long since I've played.  But I've been missing it lately.

I used to sing special music in church but since moving to the Episcopal church haven't done it.  I was thinking about that today and really don't feel inclined or even miss it.  There was a time when I loved doing it to the degree that I think was unhealthy for me.   We don't have special music outside the choir, which I'm not even participating in.  I really don't miss it at all.  I was so surprised to discover that about myself.  I'm so satisfied to be behind the scenes doing altar guild.  

I'm off to finish up supper and get back to Jack Frost.  More baby hats by next Sunday I hope.


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