Sunday, March 27, 2011


I had been trying to change the template on this blog but couldn't figure out why it wouldn't let me.  Today I found out it was because my browser was out of date so I upgraded and have a spiffy new image.  I like it.  A lot.

I fixed salmon with rosemary and risotto for supper tonight.  Zach didn't like the risotto but everything else was fine.  Tom liked it better than regular rice and I had to agree, even though I'm not a huge fan of any kind of rice but breakfast rice.  I don't cook like that very often because my energy levels by night are in the red but I pushed through and did it anyway.  No energy to clean up and everyone scattered after supper so it can stay that way until either someone else cleans it up or I get up tomorrow morning with my energy meter at the halfway mark.

I had to rip out the poncho I started because I forgot to increase.  That explained how my pattern wasn't coming out right.  I completely missed the sentence that said to do that.  It's a nice pattern so far, but looks to get more complicated, which is fine with me.  I like a challenge as long as it's not over my head.

I had intended to do some reading today but spent the day getting the tax information together for Tom so he can do the returns and then I had to research some stuff I needed to buy and ended up spending too much time online...again.  I must get back to managing my time better.  I never seem to be able to start good habits, only reinforce the bad one.

And I didn't last long on the South Beach diet at all.  I ended up bingeing as usual.  I need to get back to not caring about food and not obsessing about it all day long like I do when I'm dieting or getting ready to diet.  I've spent most of my life doing that it seems.

Well, short and not too much information but I'm off to crawl into bed and read, knit and hopefully get to sleep early so I can get a start on a routine tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Obsessing over food is something I've done since I can remember. Every event in my family involves food. Death, let's eat! Birthday, pass the cake! John had surgery, gimme some of those taters.


Kathy said...

I did okay for a while until everyone and their cousin kept telling me I should go on this diet or that diet and then my doctor told me I needed to lose I've gained steadily ever since.

One problem I have with churches is how much "fellowship" revolves around food.