Monday, May 4, 2009

Just checking in

I'm sorry for not posting sooner.  This fatigue has been kicking my posterior and I've barely been out of bed except for the necessary things that have to be done, like getting Zach to school and church, shopping, meals...stuff like that.

But not much cleaning, little knitting and almost no internet at all.  I'm way behind on my email and only went to Ravelry for a while this morning.  

I'm hoping my energy is coming back.  I was able to get out of bed for a while today although I wish I could have worked outside.  It was so beautiful out there.  But I know that I don't have the energy to dig up the ground and plant anything, let alone mow and trim the yard.  I still don't have the ground ready for planting and I doubt Tom is going to lend a hand.

We got a rain barrel finally.  It cost a bit more than I would have liked and Tom won't put it where I want it.  He wants to take out a bush I like and put it there so it doesn't show from the road.  I don't care if it shows.  My concern is that the hole for the spigot is about a third of the way up and not near the bottom.  What am I supposed to do with the bottom third of water?

I have an appointment with the vet on Thursday.  Professor has days when he will stand on the leg but most of the time he favors it and won't use it.  I was checking again today, feeling the bones for a sore spot and found an area near his hip on the inside of his leg that feels like a hernia.  So off to the vet we go.  I found an animal hospital nearby so I'm going to try them.  I just can't go back to our old vet.

Anyway, my energy is about used up and supper is ready so this is short and not sweet at all.  Just wanted to check in.

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