Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'll get used to this...eventually

Yesterday wore me out.  I had to take Tom to work, take Zach to school in Fond du Lac, bring him home at 9:30 p.m., go back and pick Tom up at 11:30 p.m., try to get to bed early because all my errands had to be done by the time he left for work so it was up early in spite of getting to sleep at about 3 a.m.  And I had gotten up at 8 because Professor wanted outside.  It was a very long day.

I hit the ground running today (Professor must have an alarm clock in his bladder because he got me up again at 8.)  I had washed a load of clothes yesterday but planned to hang them outside today since it was going to be warm and sunny.  They lied about the sunny party but it was warm.  Only one load dried but the whites were merely damp and are now resting on the wooden racks in front of the heating vent that hasn't been used today since early morning.  I'm loving that, let me tell you.

Raced home in time for Tom to get to work and hang out another load (the whites that didn't get dry) and clean up the kitchen a bit.  It really suffers during the week because I'm mostly throwing food together and running out the door or cooking late at night and going to bed rather than cleaning up my mess.  If I would just clean as I go it would be better.  But it never fails health standards.  It's just cluttered.

I've got to mop the floor in there tomorrow.  Too tired tonight.  

I managed to nearly cut my food bill in half again.  This time I got enough that if I run out of anything that wasn't on the list, I can wait until next week. I've given Tom orders not to buy anything but the brake supplies and my prescriptions tomorrow because I'm not going to the store again.  I could kick myself for not remembering to call them in so I could pick them up today but since he's got to go tomorrow anyway...

I fixed a turkey/rice soup tonight for supper with a salad and garlic toast (just regular white bread spread lightly with butter and garlic under the broiler in the toaster oven.)  Not a spectacular meal but very filling and there will be tons of leftovers for weekend lunches.  I got some stuff to make a granola mixture as well.  That instead of snacks.  Healthier, too.

Since the ice is mostly off the sidewalks now, I should start walking Professor daily.  Although this time I won't do it for exercise, but for his bodily needs.  I lost the thrill of walking when I had to do it.  I used to love to walk.  And this summer, Zach and I plan to get the bikes out but not here in this town.  It's too hilly and there will be tons of road construction starting Monday (not sure how we'll get to Beaver Dam from here) so I think we'll pack the bikes in the truck and go to Wild Goose Trail.  I've lived here for 12 years and have never gone on it.

I'm also working on my brain.  Fibromyalgia has really done a number on me.  I have such difficulty concentrating and studying is so hard for me.  I started reading the Welsh course and it looks good but I can't "hear" the proununciation so I'm going to have to rely on a BBC site that has a Welsh course to help.  Plus I was thinking today that I wanted to dig out my old college Astronomy book and read it again.  Not just read it.  Study it.  I'll need to get up to date because it's pretty old, but I can use the internet for that.  I might even look to see if there are some free internet courses that aren't necessarily for credit.  I just want to exercise my brain.  I'm tired of being so dull.

I don't mind doing the thrifty things.  In fact, I rather enjoy them.  What I need to do this time is when the weight lightens up a bit on my shoulders, not to change anything.  I need to keep doing this regardless.  It's what you make of it and I need to make it my lifestyle.  

Well, maybe next winter I'll turn the heat up above 60, but the rest of it I need to stick with.

Vicki requested my recipe for homemade laundry detergent.  I got it off of this site.  My recipe is similar to recipe number 4 but I used two bars of Ivory soap and I added one cup of Baking Soda to the mix.  Otherwise it's the same.

Well, I'm off to get into my jammies and curl up to watch the rest of Mission: Impossible, season one and hopefully get started on Doctor Who, season two. And I'm reading 'Salem's Lot as well.  I haven't read that in ages.  I remember the first time I read it was when I was in Germany with my ex-husband.  We lived on the ground floor of housing on the Army base and there were no screens on the windows.  I can't remember if he was out on detachment or not but I do remember not sleeping well while I was reading it.

I kept reminding myself that vampires had to be invited in.


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