Thursday, May 5, 2011

Spring one day, winter the next

I was digging through my cabinets looking for yarn when I discovered a billion skeins of linen shaded worsted Vanna's Choice yarn.  Well, maybe not a billion but enough for a long cape, which I would love to own.  So I've been looking on Ravelry for a cape pattern.  I haven't found what I want yet but I'm in no hurry as I've got a few other things going on as well.

I was going to dye yarn today but it's very gloomy and cold today.  One day of sunshine, one day of gloom.  It's spring in Wisconsin.  So instead I'm coughing my head off because I stopped taking my allergy pills the past couple of days, thinking that I was doing fine.  I still do the nasal spray because the dr told me that has to build up in your system so I need to take it all the time.  But the pills...only as needed.  Apparently I needed them.  I'm feeling crummy and my chest is getting sore from all this coughing.  I'll keep taking them until I can get this house dried out and get rid of the mold and mildew.  That should happen sometime next year, I think.

So I'll dye the yarn later.  As it turns out, I don't have enough kool-aid.  It's one package per ounce and I have a pound of singles so I need at least 6 more packages.  Next time I go to the store, I'll get them, but I'm not making a special trip (although I hear that gas is supposed to be coming down in price very soon.)

In the meantime, I'm crocheting on Zach's gamer squares afghan, my medieval pouch and the sweater coat.  I could make several of the medieval pouches as they take so little yarn and I have a lot of stash busting I could do.  I could give them away as gifts, maybe.  I continue to look for other patterns that use up bits of yarn as well.

I took Professor walkies last night.  Just around the block but considering we live on the side of a steep hill, that was a grueling walk.  By the time we had the return trip up the hill, my hips were hurting so much I was struggling to put one foot in front of another.  I have to get this weight off.  But we did have an incident on the way home.  Professor was still walking briskly on the flat portion of our block when he started barking furiously.  I looked up and a big black dog was running toward us.  I picked Professor up and just cuddled him, holding very still.  The dog started sniffing Professor and the black dog's hackles were raised so I was a bit nervous.  The owner came running frantically, telling me the dog wouldn't hurt us and sure enough, he didn't.  He got done sniffing and went back to his house.  But his mates...two Yorkies...thought Professor was someone they wanted to know.  I put him down because he's such a wuss when it comes to other dogs and I felt like he needed to socialize a bit but he kept trying to crawl up my legs or in between my ankles because one Yorkie was relentless.  They were his size but he was terrified of them.  He was ready to go head to head with the big dog but the little ones scared him to death.  I made him walk and the owner finally got the Yorkies inside the house and Professor was willing to head home.  Acting, of course, as if he had won some victory.

I didn't have a lot of pain after I got home aside from the screaming hips and they eased off after a tramadol.  I went ahead and took another one before bed and slept just fine (although not long enough) but today I'm walking stiff and sore.  I took ibuprofen but that didn't seem to help.  I'm going to grab a hot shower in a bit and see if that helps.  I should walk more regularly to get back in shape a bit but I'll choose flatter ground from now on.  It means having to drive somewhere to find flatter ground, but I'm not going to be able to walk otherwise.  Besides, it just started raining so I can't go out tonight.

I think I"m going to be unimaginative for supper:  hamburgers and french fries.  Between the incessant coughing and the pain, I'm going to stay off my feet as much as possible today.  Hopefully tomorrow I'll be more active and do some walking where I don't hurt myself so much.  And I hope to have the camera mastered by tomorrow as well.  I'm just too tired to mess with it today.

Tonight I'll work on the gamer squares and my other projects (see the post below for links) and just stay in bed the rest of the night.  Nothing urgent needs taking care of and I don't need to shop tomorrow...just make a deposit of our tax check into savings.  Not even the library.  So it should be a quick trip to town and back with no other stops.

Off to grab that shower before supper.


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