Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Getting in the gardening mood

We got most of the yard mowed yesterday.  I say "we" but it was all Zach.  All I did was ready the yard for it and do some minor yard work. Which wore me out nonetheless.  I was in a lot of pain last night...a 4 tramadol night (not all at once though).  I haven't done that since chemo.  But the good news is I'm rebounding more quickly and I'm more and more active as each day goes by.  I woke up at 9 this morning and got a lot done before Tom got up.

I had errands and shopping today.  On the way to town I was listening to the weather report about a massive thunderstorm watch with pending hail, lightening and possible rotation of the storm.  But it went south of us so all we got was a bit of rain.  Still a bit overcast and I suspect we have more rain in the forecast.  All week in fact.

Tom is going to till the garden this weekend.  He was going to do it by hand but he's working so many hours and it's not going to break us to rent a tiller so I told him I thought it would be the better option.  Then I can start putting stuff in the ground.  Not the stuff in my window boxes, but stuff that will be below ground for a few more weeks.  I don't think we're going to have another freeze but until mid-June you can't safely say that.  I haven't located the seeds from last year.  I looked in the garage yesterday and the basement.  I suspect they got thrown out as they were in a plastic bag.  That's what happened last year.  Tom threw my seeds out because he thought they were trash.  I don't normally hang trash on the door knob though.

It's not going to break us and chances are last year's seeds won't be good this year so I'll get more next week when I go to town.  I need to pick up some tomato cages as well.  I've got 17 tomato plants.  I should have gotten some Roma tomatoes so I could make my own spaghetti sauce but I can use Big Boys just as well as Romas.  I'll plant some corn, sunflowers, green beans (pole), lettuce, zucchini, and some flowers as well.

What do you know!  I just went looking for the flowers I bought last week and found my bag of seeds under the cardboard recycling bag.  I should get the flowers planted this week if I can.

I reorganized my room this week and took out the coffee table and turned the dining table 90 degrees in the living/dining room and now have a lot more space.  I am more productive when my surroundings are in better order.  Chaos and I aren't close friends.  As a result of organizing my space I've been knitting a lot more and accomplishing more on the house.  I mostly knit on the Tree of Life afghan last night, but spent some time on the Medieval pouch as well.  I'm past the cats now and on the last design section.  Then I need to find some material that will look good as lining.  I'll keep an eye out at the remnant section at Stuffmart.

I also need to get back to the gamer squares.  They require a bit more concentration and what I watched last night required more eyes on the screen so I'll wait until I watch something I can mostly just listen to, like a movie I've seen before.  That's the trouble with have to watch or you miss the information.

Tomorrow I need to focus on the kitchen, cleaning out the fridge and reorganizing the pantry.  And mopping the floor, although as soon as I do Tom will spill kool aid on it.  It's a ritual of his.  Just ask him. :)

Supper tonight is bratwurst, sauerkraut, and baked beans because I don't feel like doing a lot of cooking.  I'm doing okay pain-wise today but the fatigue from all that I did yesterday and this morning is catching up with me and I want to ration out my energy so I can get stuff done tomorrow.

Off to start supper and then into bed for an evening of knitting in between letting Professor out.  Lately he's been wanting out every 10 minutes at night.  I think he's after the rat-bastard chipmunk who lives next door.  I saw him this morning on my way out the door to go shopping so I know Professor has seen him.  I had the windows open for a bit last night until Professor started barking hysterically every 5 minutes.  Between the neighborhood dog chats, the chipmunks and people 10 blocks away talking, I think I'm going to have to get the bark collar out again.  Last summer all I had to do was set it on the table.  I hope that's all I have to do this year as well.


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