Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In a Farscape frame of mind

I'm just about done with season 3 of Farscape, one of the saddest ending seasons in the series.  I always tear up a bit when I hear "Talyn...Starburst."  I generally have to watch that scene a few times before I can move on.  I would like to get Peacekeeper Wars eventually.  Maybe next month.  I'm giving myself a small allowance to buy a few things each month but this month's was spent last month so I have to take a month off.  I'll finish off the season tonight.

We were going to mow the yard today but I only got about 3 hours sleep again last night.  The phone rang this morning...early.  It was the dr's office telling me the insurance company once again notified them that I had stopped taking a medication, this time my bp meds.  This is so bogus and so intrusive.  My prescription was running out but I still had a week's worth of pills left.  But no, they contact the doctor as if I'm a two year old who needs her hand held and forced to take medicine.  I hate this insurance company.  They won't pay for crap but they'll nanny me to death.

So I was a bit pissed off and didn't get back to sleep.  By 1 p.m. I was dragging and had to take a nap, which lasted every bit of 5 minutes before Professor went ape-shit over something going on outside.  I got him calmed down and tried to sleep again but a few minutes later he was barking at me to let him out.  I made Zach take care of it because I needed sleep.  I think I got about 45 minutes.  Still, I was dragging and didn't feel like mowing at all.

Zach had a mini-meltdown today over his depression, job situation, money, etc.  Plus his "helpful" friends online were giving him absolutely crap advice and then getting all pissy when, after consulting me, he decided not to take it.  They thought he should go on disability.  I told him he hadn't tried to get a job yet, hadn't shown he can't work and anyway SSDI doesn't apply to him as he hasn't paid into it yet.  He was informed by his friends that they not only give you disability, they send you to occupational therapy and help you get a job.  It took all I had to explain to Zach that his disabilities wouldn't be helped by occupational therapy and that SSDI did not, in fact, help you get a job.  What they seemed to be talking about was a state level agency, which Walker has decimated by now and there's no way Zach can get on BadgerCare or medicaid or anything else.  He just doesn't have disabilities that are debilitating enough.  His "friends" kept disagreeing with me, which confused him until I finally told him that he needed to get his butt in gear, get a job and stop staying online all day and that his depression was more about that than about any chemical imbalance in his system.

I think I got through to him because he applied for two jobs this afternoon and finally seems excited about getting a job.

Save us from friends like that!

He does believe they care about him and want to help, and I'm sure they do, but they're just like anyone else who thinks they can fix someone who doesn't need fixing.

My allergies are giving me fits today so it's just as well I didn't try to mow.  I took my allergy meds but I guess some days are worse than others.  I don't know if we'll get it mowed tomorrow as Zach has other jobs to apply for tomorrow.  He's not lazy at all, just terribly insecure.  Plus the OCD leaves him terrified where others are just nervous.

I'm going back to my plan to be online less which means that I've got to give up some stuff or I'll be online all day.  I'm thinking I'll give up the political blogs since they only upset me and stick to the spiritual and knitting/crafting blogs.  And less facebook time as well.  I've got much to accomplish, both indoors and out and I still would like to do more crafting.  I want to dye my yarn and ply it this week as well.  I got some books from the library but some of the information about kool aid dyeing contradicts what I've read in tutorials online.  I think I'm going to go with the online tutorials.

I also want to get some pictures taken of my projects along with some scenic shots of this beautiful countryside.  And that means getting out of the house and walking where it's rural and not city.  It's all uphill here and painful to walk so I think I'll drive to the marsh this week and walk there and maybe get some pictures.  It's beautiful there.

Well, tonight I'll be working on the Tree of Life afghan, which I made a lot of progress on last night while weeping over Crais and Talyn.  And the baby blanket, which is so mindlessly easy and works during those shows I have to pay attention to the tv instead of mostly listening to it.  I probably won't dig out the gamer squares afghan tonight but might tomorrow night.  I also found a vest I might make but I would have to lose some weight before I could wear it as it's not made for round people.  Although I still would like to use that yarn for a capelet if I could find a free pattern.  There is an afghan pattern I will purchase someday but it's in knitted squares so I can buy each one individually.  But she's not completely done with all the patterns yet so there's no hurry.   Plus, I'm already working on a blanket.

Well, supper is nearly ready so I'm going to finish it up and then crawl into bed.  I'll probably have the lights out by 11 and hopefully be asleep before Tom comes home.  I just hope he doesn't wake me up.


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