Friday, December 3, 2010

Rough night

I haven't gotten much of anything done today because I didn't sleep much at all last night.  I did manage to go to sleep pretty quickly and fairly early...for me, anyway.  But I woke up after Tom got home with pain from my fibromyalgia and had to wait out the pain pill.  It never really alleviated it so I took another one a couple of hours later.  I finally dozed off only to wake up with pain again.  I was having a hard time figuring out why I wasn't able to get ahead of the pain when I remembered...

I slid down the basement stairs yesterday while doing laundry.  My right foot stayed on the third step from the bottom while my left foot hit the basement floor.  A woman my age and weight just can't do the splits like that.  I took some ibuprofen right after so I wasn't hurting when I went to bed.  Or rather I wasn't hurting more than usual. 

So today I'm battling fatigue from little sleep (it didn't help that Professor woke me up trying to get me to pick him up and put him in bed because the throw had fallen over his steps and he was afraid to use them) and some residual pain from the fall.

I haven't tackled the basement steps today so the laundry remains unfinished.  I'll get to it tomorrow but today I'm going to just let it go.

I did stay home today, which is getting to be a rare event.  Zach is still battling the flu and his toe is infected again.  I think he has an ingrown toenail that we just haven't managed to outgrow just yet.  I was able to deal with it better since the toenail has grown out enough to find now.  But he's Mr. Grumpy today, which means he's peaked on his sickness.  I always get grumpy and bored on the day my illness is at its worst.

He's managing his flu better than I did mine.  I still have some residual coughing but my mucus is clear so I'm just battling some sinus drainage that always goes on after the main event.  I'm a bit better emotionally, too, except for the fatigue, which always makes me feel like there is something I've done wrong.

I'm thinking of knitting a Calorimetry hat because my long hair keeps getting in my face during the winter months but pulling it back makes my neck and ears cold.  So I can put on a scarf and wear the Calorimetry inside.  I do usually wear a hat at home.  My hair is so thin after the chemo that you can see my scalp through it.  I keep it lightly colored so it's not so painfully obvious, but now that the hair coming in is silver, it makes me look bald where my hair parts.  Which does nothing for my ego.  I have some semi-permanent hair color that I should put on tomorrow. 

I started on some socks but I'm not thrilled with the condition of most of the yarn.  It's got that worn-out look to it.  I suppose since it's black and won't show too much, it doesn't really matter.  But knitting with black yarn in my dark bedroom isn't the easiest thing to do.  Still, there isn't a place in the house right now that isn't dark.

I'm just weaving in ends on the afghan and I'll be done.  I'm thinking of starting on a baby afghan since I have tons of baby sport yarn to use up.  I got it when I was knitting blankets and hats for the babies in Haiti, part of my former church's ministry.  I'm not sure what I'll do with the stuff when I'm done, but as I'm still in touch with one of the women from there, I could just give it to her to give to them.  I don't know of any Pagan ministries around here.

Then I found a shawl that looks fun to do.  The pattern is coming out in sections sort of a knitalong type of thing and I have yarn I could use instead of buying more.  I haven't decided yet as I have no idea what I would do with another shawl right now. 

I got a phone call last night from a woman at my former church who was missing us and wanted to know if she had said anything to make us leave.  I reassured her and we planned to get together for lunch soon.  She was very understanding about my situation and didn't try to "re-convert" me at all.  I really did enjoy her company so it's nice to connect without it being focused on church.

Tom also told me we had been invited to a New Year's party and I'm going to try to force myself out of the house for that.  We haven't had any friends as a couple since we married over 20 years ago.  I don't know the wife and have had minimal interaction with the husband but the men have things in common so I'll give it a go.  It's a unique experience for me, making friends without religion being the main thing we have in common.  I'm not sure I know how to do this after all these years but I'm willing to try.

Well, supper is almost ready so I need to attend to it.  I'm hoping to get much more done this weekend, especially knitting.  And I need to get my parents' package off in the mail, too.  I'm adding a gift card to Pizza Hut.  They don't need anything but like to eat out now and then.



Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you fell and I'm glad you didn't get hurt more than you did. I'll light a candle for you tonight. I'm lighting a candle for me too and my friends who are all sick. Something ucky is going around and all over the US! Quite a feat....geez.


Kathy said...

Thanks, Tana. I fall at least once every winter but normally outside in the snow. I had my slippers on and they're a bit slick on the bottom. I just need to be more careful and not wear my slippers to the basement anymore.

I hope you get to feeling better, too. Not the best time of year for good health.