Saturday, November 13, 2010

Swearing off the little blue pill

No more OTC sleeping pills for me.  I couldn't wake up today and slept away most of the day.  And I don't feel refreshed at all.  More like I'm coming off a flu or something.  And my fibromyalgia pain is bad today. 

I did manage to clean up the back hallway and wash the rugs, which are drying on racks in the basement as it's raining outside.  I also got plastic on the back door but that was about all I could handle today.  I'll be surprised if I sleep at all tonight because I'm just now waking up.

Tom, of course, had to work again today.  He's been working 6 days a week for months now at the same cutback salary.  He's so tired on Sundays he sleeps most of the day but he is going to try to change the oil in the vehicles tomorrow.

I forgot to get a bunch of stuff at the store that would work to make up some inexpensive meals this week but I'm not going back until next Thursday because the insurance is due the end of this month and Tom will be taking some cash up with him for deer hunting so the only thing I have that I can cut is the food budget.  We won't starve or anything like that.  I do have a lot of food stocked up but I just don't have spaghetti or tomato sauce.  I thought I had some already so I didn't get more.  There are other meals I can fix in the meantime.

I finally finished up the LOTR watching for the year so now I'm going to watch Farscape with all its behind-the-scenes stuff and commentaries.  I'm making progress on Zach's hat after some trial and error and am on the homestretch with the last mitten.  I should pull up some of the other projects and get back on them as well, especially the sweater and poncho/tabard.  Those I could be wearing sometime soon because the weather is cooling off again.  Still don't need the heat but in a short time, I'm sure we will.

I managed to watch an Inspector Morse I hadn't seen before.  I knew there were some at the beginning I'd missed and the library didn't have them, so it was great to see a new one.  I still miss John Thaw but I'm glad we have his work to still watch.

I also have a ton of Doctor Who episodes on dvr that I should start on this weekend.  I need to get back to spinning so that would be a good match.  Spinning and Doctor Who.

I didn't get up with Professor at all last night and I heard Tom trying to get him to go out this morning but he wouldn't go out until I got up to let him out.  But I didn't get up until I was ready to.  I've no idea why he does that but frequently he'll bark at me to let him out (in his indoor bark) but won't let Tom or Zach let him out.  Instead he hops up on the bed and sits on top of me as if he's expecting me to protect him.

I'm finishing up The Shining, too.  I haven't read it in a while and I think it's one of Stephen King's best so I grabbed it off my bookcase when I didn't have any library books to read.  After this, it will be a Hamish Macbeth season.  I love the books, in fact, more than the television show.  But I do like the tv show as well.  Who wouldn't like Robert Carlyle?

Well, supper is ready.  My old standby of fast food:  homemade macaroni and cheese.  I just cook up some macaroni to al dente, layer in macaroni and cheese (with butter) in a 9 X 9 inch pan with a hefty layer of cheese on top, add milk and cook it in the oven until the top is crusty.  We love it.

Hope tonight is better than the past few nights but it will take a while to re-train Professor that I'm not his personal assistant and at his beck and call.


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