Wednesday, November 3, 2010

People like to kick you when you're down

Last night had potential to be a night of good sleep had it not been for an encounter with a relative who decided I needed to know what was wrong with me for my own good.  Needless to say in these encounters, if you don't bow to their uber-knowledge of you, then you're just being stubborn and that's the reason why everyone in the family has these conferences about you anytime they get weddings or family dinners.  Where they all sit around and decide how dysfunctional you've been all your life and how frustrated they are because you won't take their excellent advice that would fix you right up.  I love the line that they criticize you because they love you.

Needless to say I was up until dawn and managed to get about 4 hours of sleep before I got up for good.  I dropped off for a short nap when I was trying to get some reading done but it wasn't that short and now it's past time to fix supper.  I had shoved the laundry in the dryer because I was just too tired to hang them out and of course they didn't dry.  Because nothing has changed since the last time I tried to dry them in the dryer.

I just know I can't keep going at this pace.  I put curtains up instead of plastic because I just don't have the energy to struggle with getting the plastic up on the windows but I'm not sure how well this will work because in the daylight hours, I need the windows open and thus the curtains don't do me a bit of good so it looks like I'll have to put plastic up anyway.  Only I just can't face it right now because I'm barely functioning.

I don't have the energy to throw supper together but we can't afford to eat out anymore.  I've managed to put off starting the furnace so far and we've done just fine but it won't be long before I won't have that option anymore.  I brought in the lawn furniture today when I went out to untangle Professor in the back yard.  I fed the birds while I was out there but that's all the energy I've got.

I'm going to break down and take an over-the-counter sleeping pill tonight, which means I'll be dragging again tomorrow but at least I'll have some sleep under my belt.  In fact, I'm tempted to tell Zach to fix supper on his own and go to bed now.  Except I'll need to eat something, too or I'll wake up in the middle of the night hungry.

I finished up one mitten for my dad last night and began another one.  But I haven't knit anything today and probably won't.  I tried to call my mother a few times today to wish her Happy Birthday but she's not been home all day.  I'm a bit concerned, especially as no one bothers to tell me if something's wrong until after the fact, but I'm guessing she's just been out for her birthday.  I think she's 78 today.  Or might be 79,  She's 20 years older than me but her birthday is after mine so she might have been 20 years older than me on my birthday but when she had hers not long after mine, became 21 years older than me.  I think she's 79 because I think my sister said my dad was 80 now.   I can't keep track of how old I am, let alone how old anyone else is.

Off to fix supper and hoping another round in the dryer will dry the clothes.  After this, though, I'll make sure I get the clothes out on the line on the day I wash them.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need to talk. :( I'm sorry that happened to you and from family, no less. That sucks, plain and simple.

I'll light a candle for you tonight. Much love.