Saturday, August 21, 2010

Staycations just aren't what they should be

Tom's vacation and we're not doing much of anything.  Crap!  I just was wiped out today, partly from the late night and the heat (no power for fans) but mostly from cherry cheese cake.  It's an evil thing and needs to be regulated.  We need a new Czar in the cabinet:  a Secretary of Cheese Cake.  It will be her job (and it must be a woman) to regulate consumption of cheese cake everywhere.

And I'm  having another piece after supper.

He went to the mounds today but was driven out by mosquitoes.  We live just too close to the marsh.  Tomorrow we're planning on going to the county fair.  Hopefully.  If we don't sleep in too late.  It will be very crowded in the afternoon and neither of us do well with crowds.  And sometime we need to harvest the tobacco.  It's starting to fall over and that won't be good for it.

The toads showed up last night but didn't hang around because I couldn't turn the light on for them and without the bugs to eat.  I hope they come back tonight.  I'm getting attached to them.

I'm hoping to get some knitting done today.  Maybe I'll work on my crane bag and the blanket, which is now the Tree of Life afghan.  It's a sturdier yarn and I have enough to make the full blanket so I'm going for it.  Although once it starts getting bigger I might have to put it aside to wait for cooler weather.  I also want to come up with something small that I can finish in a week or so.  I haven't finished anything in a long time.

Supper tonight was home-made macaroni and cheese with green beans and tomato salad.  Tomatoes and green peppers from the garden.  Our garden.  I'm anxious to get rid of the tobacco so I can plant some lettuce and more green beans.  And maybe peas. I have enough time to get some grown before the frost sets in.  Maybe some carrots.  They can go beyond the frost.  I need to dig out my Encyclopedia of Country Living and my Tightwad Gazettes to get back into tightwadding.  I mean frugality.  Either way, I've got to figure out how to stretch the paycheck even further.

Well, off to do up the dishes and crawl into bed for Midsomer Murders, Return of the King documentaries and more knitting.  That's my reward for surviving the day.  LOL



jaz@octoberfarm said...

never be ashamed of who you used to be! it's what makes the world so interesting. plus, growth and change make us better!!! i hope you get to celebrate halloween now?

Kathy said...

I plan on celebrating this year, but I think we're going to focus more on Samhain than Halloween because "the boy" is nearly 22 now and wants Samhain instead. Still, I'm going to have some Halloween decorations up there no matter what!

knittingdragonflies said...

Don't send the Cheesecake Czar to my house! I love it also!

Kathy said...

I think next time I'll send the cheesecake with him when he goes up north to his brother's cabin. I think that's enough miles between me and the cheesecake.