Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sundays just aren't long enough

I'm spending more time offline and getting some knitting done and some reading and studying.  Unfortunately, after a week of some good sleep, last night was the pits.  I dozed off early on and woke up before Tom got home and remained wide awake until about 4 a.m. when I was just attempting to get to sleep when the young guy neighbor next door had some guest depart quite loudly...complete with squealing tires and Big Truck engines.  This is becoming a common occurrence over there and most of the noise and conversation takes place not too far outside Zach's bedroom window.

But what can you do?  We try to just live and let live.  No calling the police.  Not nasty notes or confrontations.  We just want to get along.

We had some rain this morning, heaps of it which made the rest of the day muggy.  It's clouding over again now and cooling off a bit so there is hope.  Rain is predicted for tomorrow so it will be next week before I can harvest the tobacco.  And I still have to find a place to store it.

I discovered that the Sweeping Statement I'm working on is considered a poncho.  Whatever.  It still feels like a tunic/tabard to me.  And I'm making progress on my Crane bag as well.  I might try to get pictures this week if it's sunny enough since the bag is black and dark green.  I may need to start something that is smaller just so I can finish a project this summer.  Like a dishcloth or something.

Well, time to go back to knitting.  Inspector Lewis is on PBS tonight and I'm excited about that.  I'm finishing up the cast commentary on Fellowship of the Ring after which I'm going into the documentaries for that movie.  I tried the other two commentaries but they just didn't hold my attention right now...short attention span and all.



gill said...

have you tried wearing ear plugs? I am a really light sleeper, and my neighbour drove me crazy - nothing bad, just he came in late at night after work and i could hear his every move. Anyway ear plugs solved the problem and i stopped being angry with him!

Kathy said...

Yes, I've tried them, but I don't sleep at all when I've got them in. It has to do with not being alert for any emergencies.

It's not an every night event and we're not going to say anything to him unless it gets out of hand. He's young and this is his first house so I don't want to become the neighbors from hell.

I use a lot of white noise and that helps but the loud talking and tires squealing penetrate that.

Oh, well.