Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Is it only Tuesday?

As usual, I'm dragging from lack of sleep. Monday night I slept for a bit and got woke up and then had trouble getting back to sleep. Particularly since there was a storm in the area. I'm a bit phobic about tornadoes so I tend to stay awake watching the radar if there is one in the area. Before radar, I would watch the sky. Ever since I was about 7 or 8, I've done this. My mother came to wake us up for school one morning and I was still at the window watching the sky. I had to go to school anyway. And my mom told me not to be silly.

Stuff like that doesn't help someone get over an irrational fear.

So I was settling in because I could hear the thunder moving way off in the distance, had turned the lights off and was finishing up a movie I was watching. Out of the corner of my eye, through the window fan and the blinds, I saw a streak of light and BAM!!!! Initially I thought the lightning had hit between our house and the house next door, but in retrospect...lacking any electrical charge in the air or any flicker in the power...I believe what I saw was a very bright reflection of the lightning strike. Very bright. Certainly the strike and the thunder were nearly simultaneous so it was very close by.

It woke Tom up and we checked our house and Eleanor's house visually for fire. Then Tom went to sleep and I sat in bed awake for another two hours. The sky was light when I finally dozed off.

So at 7:30 a.m. Professor started barking wanting outside. I got up and let him out only to watch him stand on the porch and look around for a few minutes and then want back in. I let him in and went right back to bed where I slept until about 9. I had no energy to get much done. I had some sourdough rising and had to take care of it but I ended up punching it down at the final rising and froze it. I have no idea what's going to happen with it but it's thawing out now.

I had to pay the utility bill so while I was out I ended up going to StuffMart to get some milk and a few necessary (and not so necessary) items. I need more willpower.

But that was it for all the energy I had.

Last night I fell asleep quiet easily but within about 5 minutes, Professor was going off on something outside, barking hysterically. At that stage I was okay with a burglar walking in if the dog would just shut up! But I knew it was most likely the pesky chipmunk from next door (you get to know their barks after a while) so I shushed him and tried to get back to sleep. It's amazing what 5 minutes of sleep will do toward disrupting your sleep cycle. It was about 3 a.m. before I got back to sleep. Professor was panting last night, not being used to normal temperatures for the summer because of all the cool weather we've had. I turned the window fan on, which is immediately next to the bed. He slept nearly butted up against it and all was well until about 7 a.m. when he woke me up wanting outside again. Three times between 7 and 7:45 we played the game: get up out of bed to let him out on his leash only to watch him sniff the air from the porch, look around for about 2 minutes and then want back in. The fourth time, I ignored him and he eventually laid back down and went back to sleep.

At 9 the cat woke me up wanting to sleep on my face. At that stage I just got up. I've been dragging ever since.

I've got three loads of laundry to do today. Sheets that need to be done today since Tom already took his off his bed. And these are the only sheets he likes to sleep on. I don't blame him as they are very smooth (on sale) and feel very good to sleep on.

Supper tonight will be homemade pizza with a sourdough crust. I hope. I also hope to get the kitchen and bathroom done today. Tomorrow I have to do some planting. My strawberries are too big for the pot they're in so I'm going to dig up the side hill a bit. And maybe get the rest of the strawberries in the pot so they can grow up a bit before I put them in the ground. Apparently putting seeds directly into the soil we have is a waste of time. Hopefully transplanting will work.

I think it's too late for squash and pumpkins though. I do plan on starting next year's garden much earlier. Plus I want to use as much of the yard as is practical. Tom got some posts from his sister so that will help immensely with putting up a wire fence around our garden. At least maybe I can get the herb garden ready this year. And try to figure out a system to it.

I finished up my dad's socks and am working on a...gasp...fun fur scarf. I'm trying to use up my stash and I found that yarn in my bin upstairs so I thought it would be a quick finish. I need to see something done from time to time. I got a pattern for a blanket from a friend so I might use that to knit all the yarn I've got leftover from the woman at church.

I'm also thinking of making granny squares of the odds and ends I have accumulated over the years and making dog blankets for the Humane Society.

Some day I would love to knit a sweater again. But yarn for that is expensive and to be honest, as long as I have something to knit, I'm okay for the most part. It's mostly the knitting I love. The finished product is just a bonus.

Well, the clothes are done spinning so I need to hang them out and put another load in.


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