Friday, August 28, 2009

Can't believe it's Friday already

It was a perfectly lovely day today and I took advantage of it. I slept in, did a minimal amount of work, read, caught up on the internet, knitted and watched some shows OnDemand I hadn't had time to watch last week. It was cool enough I curled up under a light blanket for a nap but not so cold I needed to shut the windows.

I need to do this once a week. I don't treat myself very well at all.

I'm making progress on the baby blanket for Haiti and plan on moving back to some other projects because I'm finding myself looking over in the corner where my other projects are, longing for some spice in my monogamous knitting life. I suspect I might actually cheat tonight and work on something that involves actual thinking.

I even looked at my kick spindle today and contemplated spinning some tonight. I dare say I might just do that.

Zach is trying to get back into the homework mode and is using our computer for most of it since he is afraid his laptop might crash again and lose all his work. Not a problem and it gets me offline so I can get something else done.

I forgot to get my pain pills refilled yesterday so I called them in today and will pick them up tomorrow. It's such a pain to try to figure out what I'm going to run out of. And I don't believe it will be only a couple of weeks before we have prescription coverage again. The person in charge doesn't seem to be rushing to find a new program. I'll pick them up tomorrow. Today I didn't even get out of my pajamas.

And that's a good thing.

I do need to make my way outdoors to get some things done out there. Maybe tomorrow. And according to my own pace. I'm learning not to push myself and not to work on someone else's timetable. I'll do what I can, when I can.

Off to finish up supper which is baked ziti, although I'm using a bit of ground beef in it this time. I'm really craving meat lately. Must need the extra protein or something.


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