Thursday, July 9, 2009

How do you solve a problem like Professor

Sing with me everyone!

The past day or so he has been nervous and nearly hysterical, barking, whining and clawing at the door. Our neighbors two doors down have three dogs they let run loose, and although they do tend to stay near their own yard, they also run into the street a lot and have been seen in our yard a time or two. The younger ones are both boys but the mom is there, too. Professor has been neutered although that doesn't seem to stop him having night-time rendezvous with his girlfriend, the stuffed dog. Zach can't stay in the room with him when the hanky-panky starts.

Another problem is that they (the neighbors) have, for the past two nights, had nightly conversations (at 3 a.m.) and while they don't yell, their voices do carry down to our house. Not loud enough to wake me, but enough to wake Mr. Yappy who then goes into hysteria, waking me up rather abruptly, and in some cases, permanently.

I've had less than 5 hours sleep per night all week. Last night I finally got 2 consecutive hours sleep from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. when I was woke up from Tom loudly talking to Zach who was standing within two feet of him.

Tom doesn't believe in whispering. Seriously, he doesn't. When he would go to church with us, he would talk low, but loudly and think that no one else would hear him. If I mentioned to him that he was talking too loud, he would get offended.

Nearly every 20 minutes or so, Professor went nuts last night. I let him out once, thinking that if he wee'd he'd settle down but he caught the scent of some critter and wanted me to take him around the yard chasing it.

Not even on a bet.

All day today he's been going like this several times an hour, barking in a frenzy, crying and digging into the wood of the door wanting outside. When I let him out it's seconds before I have to make him come in again because he's barking frantically again.

I need sleep. I need quiet. I need a vacation.

I did try to nap a bit today. I got every bit of ten minutes before he started barking again.

Lack of sleep, as you all know, makes me cranky. And a cranky me isn't someone you want to be around. Even Zach is hiding in his room, forewarned by me about how cranky I really am.

Do they make doggie sedatives? 'Cause I need some.

It's nearly nine o'clock so I think I'm going to try to go to bed now even though it's still daylight outside. I don't have the television on so I'm listening to the songbirds out back. That should lull me to sleep in no time.

I'll clean up the kitchen tomorrow.

edited to add: I just figured out why Professor is acting nuts. Someone just shot off some fireworks a minute ago and he reacted to it. We've had a lot of activity around here lately and I wonder if that's why he's so nervous and antsy. Won't someone think of the pets?

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