Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Maybe if I show all my WIPs it will show me just how much I'm getting done.
This is actually a mint green color. It's the cardigan I'm making for Rylee. Just got it cast on and the ribbing done last night. Don't look too closely at the ribbing. I was mighty tired when I did it.
This is the back of Jesse's Flames. It's for Zach's birthday so I'd better get moving. His birthday is in October. It's in Stitch & Bitch Nation but I've got a picture of it here. The front is done and hiding up in my yarn drawers. Yes, it's black.
This is the Invisibility Shawl from Charmed Knits. It's not as delicate as the one in the book but I'm using Red Heart Symphony (from my stash). It's not bad but I wouldn't pick that yarn out for this shawl. It's a rich brown color but I don't have the ball band anymore so I can't tell you which color it is.
This is Mr. & Mrs. Monkey. I didn't look for the start of the color pathway because A) I'm a tightwad and B) I'm not sure I have enough yarn to finish it. The scales I've got says I do but how do I know I can trust it? I don't think the colors will be too far off and anyway...all my socks are fraternal...or possibly married. I don't know. I know they're mates but whether they've actually "tied the knot" isn't in my realm of knowledge. None of my business anyway.
Another view of the Monkeys.

This is the Bobbles sweater I'm making for the baby-in-waiting. The back of it anyway. It's really that yellow. I'm so pleased with how neat my stitches are coming out even if my ribbing looks terrible. For me the difference has been in switching to continental knitting. My throwing was so untidy, loose stitches, gutters on the reverse side. Horrendous selvedges. TKGA has also been a huge help in me growing as a knitter. I've had to take the time to analyze my stitches and see what makes a good stitch.

I'm also learning from other knitters online. I may lurk a lot but I'm lurking with my notebook and pen at the ready.

Tomorrow is for sheepy stuff. Teasing, scouring, carding and spinning. I'm almost ready to start plying. I'm kind of excited about that.


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