Friday, August 3, 2007

Bats & Monkeys

Zach took a picture of this bat on the window outside the dining room. Hannibal tried to play with it through the screen.

And here is one of the Monkeys. Still on the first sock and the picture is a bit dark but I am pleased with the way they are turning out. My stitch holder is an orphan earring. I never seem to throw anything away.

Working on my swatches for the master knitter course. Maybe I'm being too hard on myself.



fleegle said...

I love the colors of the Monkeys! Green, blue, and purple are my favorties.

Kathy said...


I've been sitting with that yarn for over a year waiting for it to tell me what it wanted to be.

Those are my favorite colors, too.


It all depends on what colored yarn I meet tomorrow.

I tried to email you a response but I got a delivery failure. I'm new to this blog thing and don't know why I can't respond.