Saturday, August 11, 2007

Saturday is for working

It's raining!

Made some progress on the Monkeys while at the orthodontist. A woman was there with a truckload of kids and one of them, a little girl about 6, kept watching me. She whispered something to her mother and her mom said she'd tell her later. I swear they both looked at me as if I were some kind of alien. Maybe all those needles sticking out all over the place looked threatening.

I scoured two dishpans full of fleece today. I have a lot to go before winter. This wasn't even a fourth of the bag and I have 6 bags to go. But it started raining and I didn't want to bring wet fleece in and since this is bath day (no, we don't put the warshtub in the kitchen by the fire) I didn't have a place to dry it over the tub. So I got a tarp out of the garage and covered it. I'm so smart it's painful. The rope across the yard is for the boys. Hannibal is leash trained and loves it outdoors at night and Professor uses it during the day. We don't let him out at night because he's small enough to interest the barn owls. Hannibal is a chunk, however.

I took Vicki's advice and started the seed stitch swatch. I'm so pleased with how nicely it's coming along. So tell me, why the same kinds of stitch work out here but not with 2x2 ribbing.

Jesse's Flames is coming along slowly. I'm not upstairs as much because of the heat and so I don't get a lot done up there.

Still no word from StuffMart. Tom says I should call. I'm going to wait until Thursday. Then it will be two weeks and that is plenty of time for them to call me. I'm thinking the job is no longer on the table though. It will all work out, I'm sure. Maybe I need to still be home. Zach is going to need a chauffeur for a few months at least. Although he still isn't interested in driving so I don't know.

Why is it so necessary to drive everywhere we need to go? I know we're in rural Wisconsin but there aren't any bike paths and riding a bike in this town is taking your life in your hands unless you ride on the sidewalk and they'll ticket you for that. This is the worst laid out town for alternate transportation.

If I'm not going to work then we have to cut back to the bone. That means using my stash and not buying anything for a while. We are planning on going to the Sheep and Wool Festival in September but I'm going to be limited to fleece and not roving.


I would love to try some decent roving. I'm doing so much better spinning but my rolags aren't great and I have to fight them to spin. It takes a lot longer to constantly stop and adjust my rolag.

I should be grateful for what I've got though. I do have a good man who provides and who understands how much this all means to me. And I have a roof over my head and the ability to send Zach to college (although that's contributing to the reason I don't sleep at night.)

And I have a priest who knits and spins. *grin*


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