Monday, January 24, 2011

Trying to escape this pattern

Lack of uninterrupted sleep is getting to me and making me incredibly grouchy, not to mention tired and depressed.  Not the deep depression that is so hard to crawl out of but the kind that pisses you off when you think this is how it's always going to be.  And it's not just Professor waking me up.  Last night was pain that wasn't a terribly long bout thanks to the tramadol, was particularly intense.  And of course, he needed out this morning for his wee and no one else was up so I had to get up to take care of it.  Once up like that, I can't get back to sleep.  And anyway it was after 10 a.m.

I had to go to the library today but just the library so the trip didn't last all day.  Long enough because I browsed there, but still I got home before dark.  And I'm achy so I'm going to bed and let Zach cook supper.  Tomorrow I have bills to pay and drop off in town and laundry to do so hopefully I'll get some sleep tonight.  I've tried over-the-counter sleeping pills but they put me in a coma the next day.  I haven't tried cutting them in half.  I might do that.  Of course getting to sleep is only half the problem.  Staying asleep is the hardest part.  I've been ignoring Professor in the night because I don't think he needs to go out every 2 hours and anyway he's got his puppy pads.  Maybe he'll get trained not to try least until daylight.

I was going to start on some projects today but with the library, cleaning up after the weekend and feeling like I've been stretched so thin I'm transparent, nothing got done.  Maybe later I'll get something done but nothing on the projects I have planned.  I need my brain for those and it's not working right now.

I got the third Hal Challis mystery by Garry Disher.  It's starting out even better than the last two and after three chapters, I don't have a clue so the first book must have been either an aberration or just a lucky guess.  But again he spends time discussing the last case and its resolution so if you read them, take them in order unless you don't mind knowing how they end.  He's a really good writer so I've got his book on writing on order at the library.

I discovered several Midsomer Murders I haven't seen yet so they are on order as well.  I watched two of them yesterday but didn't get the third one done so I renewed it.  It's not due today but I don't want to go back tomorrow.  When I'm done with them, I'll be watching Earth: Final Conflict.  I went online to StuffMart's website to see if they had the other 4 seasons but they only have the first one...and the price was $40.  I got it for $10.  I wonder if it was mispriced or if they're just selling below value for some reason.  It makes my donation to the library seem better though.

I probably won't be getting any more seasons of E:FC for a while.  I keep saying we're in frugal lockdown but this time I really mean it.  Taxes are due this week and the house payment next week.  I want to run away from home.

My Navajo coat is coming along nicely and I finished up a second pair of socks from bits and bobs of leftover woolease.  These are red and white, but not exactly identical.  If I make another pair they won't look anything alike but since I'm not locked into the idea of matching socks (or earrings) it's not big deal.  I've got a few older pairs that won't take another darning so when they wear out will go the way of the Happy Hunting Grounds.  Or the landfill.

I worked a bit on the gansey scarf.  I'm surprised I remembered the pattern, but the yarn is fingering weight so it takes a while to see real progress.  I need to get back to work on the Tree of Life afghan but with my lack of sleep, concentration is difficult.  It's the equivalent of adult onset ADD and debilitating.  Not to mention frustrating.  Patterns that require little concentration or difficulty are on the agenda these days.

Well, off to slip into my sweats and lie about watching the multitude of documentaries I've got on dvr before it fills up.  I'm on a science kick right now, particularly astronomy.  With a bit of WWII thrown in.  I just finished Schindler's List again so I've been watching some of the Hitler-all-the-time-channel...aka the History Channel.  I might be able to knit or crochet tonight but I'm really tired so I'm not going to force it.


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