It's not the worst cold I've ever had but I want to make sure it's not going to develop into one so I'm resting and taking some much needed time to just relax.
I frogged the sweater once and for all because, while my colorwork was good, the end result looked terrible. I realized that it was because I had overused the yarn and it was worn out and frayed. So I opened up some new skeins and started over doing a herringbone pattern. I really want to improve my skills and this is one area I haven't done a lot of work on. The pet bed is coming along nicely but stuffing it as I go slows me down. Unfortunately you can't stuff it later though. It will be done by the time the furnace comes on.
Which is looking better and better as we're in what they're calling Indian Summer although I don't remember having a frost yet. But the temps are in the high 70s and will be 80 by Sunday. Wednesday the temps will start dropping again. In the meantime I've got the windows open and am enjoying the sunshine, even from my bed. I have a beautiful view of the street from there. Unfortunately so does Professor who considers the whole neighborhood his kingdom and goes hysterical if a squirrel or dog invades his territory.
I'm on my way back to bed to take a nap or two and maybe some more knitting. I haven't worked on the shawl or poncho for a few days so I might work on them today if I can get my eyes to focus and stop burning from the cold. No fever but I rarely run them anyway.
I hope to start getting better soon so I can enjoy the outdoors and this lovely weather.
My husband just got rid of a cold, (pretty bad one). I havn'et gotten it myself, yay!
Feel better soon.
I have been thinking about walking again also. I always feel better when I do.
I think it's evolved into a sinus infection. Last night my cheekbones were so sore and I had a headache that wouldn't go away.
I'm planning on starting walking tomorrow. Down the block is a house that always goes all out for Halloween and it drives Professor nuts with all the various stuff going on. I love to drive him nuts. LOL
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