Sunday, October 10, 2010

Goals, motivation and battling fatigue

I've been doing a lot of sleeping aside from Friday night which I spent entirely sleepless until mid-Saturday morning when I finally crashed.  But the day was wasted because I was in a fog all day.  I got back to sleep for good at around 12:30 a.m. and slept until 10:30 a.m. so I'm in better shape, although not feeling rested.  But I can't remember the last time I felt like that.

I made progress on various projects yesterday in spite of the fatigue (and frequent naps) and only had to rip back on one pattern that I apparently worked on during one of those naps.  Yes, I have been known to knit in my sleep. Or rather, fall asleep while knitting.

It's warm today.  Or I should say it's hot!  By Wednesday we'll be having Autumn again so I should enjoy it for now.  I was tempted to drag out some shorts again but I'm not that energetic.  It would be a good day to work in the yard, but again with the not-energetic thing.  I'll do well today to make my bed and plop down on top of it. 

My goal is to start walking (without Professor because that's no exercise at all when you stop at every tree or bush along the way) or exercising in some form every day.  Starting slowly and building up.  I'm hoping that will increase my energy, lower my blood sugar levels and my cholesterol as well.  I've just reached a stage where I can barely get out of bed.

My other goal is to spend much less time online.  I keep saying I'm going to do that but I keep getting sucked back in to message boards and blogs.  I've streamlined my blog reading and deleted a lot of time-wasting places and limited my reading on Ravelry.  I'm definitely down to a manageable time on the internet now.  Anything beyond that will be for research or study since I have yet managed to find the time to do the Open University courses I'd like to take.  Not to mention some other courses of a spiritual nature.  I think I had to hit rock bottom in order to force myself to do this though.  I'm not good with motivation at all.

I'm making better progress on the Herringbone pattern on the sweater.  It looks pretty good, especially since I'm using better quality yarn now.  No puckering and the stitches are more even (although I've still got a ways to go to improve on that.)  The poncho is steadily growing as are the pet bed and the shawl.  And I'm working slowly but steadily on my kick spindle spinning my Welsh Top.  I feel I have a balance of good projects going on now and if I need a quick fix, I have some cotton yarn and dishcloth patterns.  And I do need new dishcloths.  Other than that I'm not going to start any new fiber projects.

I do want to work on other crafts though, like drawing, painting, sculpting, etc.  And writing.  Hopefully this time I'm not spending online will be spent improving other skills as well.  And eventually I hope to have my energy levels back so I can manage to get more done in the art of frugality and homemaking.  It take more energy than I've got right now.

I'm off to tackle making my bed and then crawling back onto it to take another nap but I do plan on getting that walk in sometime today.


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