Friday, November 20, 2009

The deer widow's holiday begins.

Tom is off to the north preparing to sit in a tree stand for hours a day in the hopes of shooting a deer. And thinks that this is great fun.


Of course, he did very little in the way of preparing for his trip. Apparently I'm his personal assistant...someone who does his shopping, banking and laundry for him. I do draw the line at packing though. That way I don't get the blame for things that didn't get packed.

Meanwhile, my intentions while he's gone is to do some deep cleaning and clearing and finish up the winterizing while enjoying the fact that I won't have to be driving back and forth to Fond du Lac but once while he's gone. And I will be so glad when the semester is over and I don't have to drive up there two to three times a week anymore.

Unfortunately it looks pretty bleak for Zach to actually find a job in his field once he graduates. I have no idea what the degree is supposed to be for if he can't even get an unpaid internship and from what I hear, most IT tech jobs are paying little more than minimum wage. He's upbeat, though, and believes (rightly so) that his degree will open doors for him that wouldn't have been open otherwise. He has a friend in another state who has a four year computer science degree and has been unable to get a job, even in a fast food place for over 2 years. He's either over-qualified or they're not hiring.

I told him since he's not looking at moving out the day after graduation to get a job and go find an online course that teaches something he really wants to learn. Frankly, he's already burned out by IT tech support and he hasn't even started. And he believes that a lot of what he has been taught is already obsolete. Still, he's keeping his mind and options open.

I had to rip out the rasta hat once again. It's still too big, even dropping down two needle sizes. So I'm modifying the pattern and hoping for the best because I don't want to do this a fourth time. I'm not doing much other knitting because I've been reading a lot and decided to dig up a class I had signed up for on Open University. I don't get any credits for it but it's learning and that's something that really appeals to me. It's a Welsh history course and looks really good if I can find the time to sit down and study it. I'm debating printing out the essays I'm supposed to read because I just don't study well from the computer. It makes the free course cost money for the ink and paper but it's still a lot cheaper than books and tuition.

Tonight, though, is tv night. It's the only night I just sit down and watch what's on. Ghost Whisperer, Medium, Sanctuary and Stargate: Universe. Most other nights it's what is on OnDemand or one of the premium channels. Or a dvd from the library or my stash.

I decided not to buy a dvd this month. I ordered a book instead. It's Christ of the Celts: the healing of creation by J. Philip Newell and looks really good. I've read Listening for the Heartbeat of God, which I got from the library and really liked that one but that's the only one they've got in the system. In fact, the library system has very little in the way of Celtic Christian literature so it looks like I'll be buying books instead of dvds for a while.

Which is probably a good thing since I can get most dvds from the library if I'm patient. And I just remembered that I bought the final Buffy dvd to finish my collection so I guess I won't buy anything next month.

I asked for gold hoop earrings this year for Christmas instead of dvds because I lost one of mine and since I've got a terrible allergy to nickel and even the nickel-free earrings make my ears itch and water, I have to stick with gold...which is I don't have very many really good pairs of earrings. I have been known to wear four different earrings just to have something to wear (two piercings per ear) but actually I sort of like the look, to be honest. And so far no one has even noticed. I do wear two different earrings in one pair of piercings that never are removed.

Well, off to get in my pajamas and curl up with A Morbid Taste for Bones before all the good shows start.


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