Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day eight of the deer widow's vacation-last day

We're under a curse. I'm sure of it. Every time I think we're actually going to make it, something comes up to enlighten me.

Yesterday it was the stove. I was getting ready to put the bread in the oven to bake it and the door to the oven fell off. Tom had repaired it a few years ago so it was living on borrowed time, I suppose. I had a kitchen island on wheels that I would push up against it so it stayed shut while in use and I couldn't open the door all the way but at least I could use it.

Not any more.

I suspect we'll go stove shopping this week but we have a different idea of what we want in a stove. I want to stay with electric and he wants to switch to gas. But he wants to do the modifications himself with makes me very uneasy. Not to mention I really don't want to cook with gas. I've cooked with electric lo! these many years and don't want to switch. Still, the thought of having to spend money out of our meager savings kept me up last night.

I don't want to get the cheapest stove out there either. I certainly don't want one with all the bells and whistles but I don't want one with the bare essentials either. We did that with our washer 13 years ago and I wish we had put a few dollars more in so I could wash a gentle load or a small load. It's the full tub or nothing. And only two settings to wash on. So I don't want to get a stove that is barely good enough. It's a life-time investment.

Although he was very amenable to buying the refrigerator I wanted so I might be accommodated in this area as well.

I managed to bake the bread in the toaster oven, which will do for most of our baking needs for now, but eventually we will need a new stove.

And Zach is one month away from being off our insurance and hasn't found a job yet. I will refrain from ranting and foaming at the mouth about the lack of humanity in those who don't believe everyone should be entitled to insurance.

I cut my hair off Thanksgiving night. It's a blunt cut below my ears...sort of a Buster Brown look (google it if you aren't old enough to remember who Buster Brown was.) I still love long hair but mine was so thin that it just didn't look good at all, kept getting caught up in velcro from my coat and other winter accessories and was a constant reminder that I had had chemo (since it never all grew back in.) At least now, it doesn't look thin at all and it does make my face look a bit thinner. I just wish I could figure out how to make the rst of me look thinner. Oh, yeah...losing weight would do that, wouldn't it?

I'm almost done with the back of my sweater and decided to add another project to my list since monogamy in knitting isn't my thing. I started on Fetching, some fingerless mittens, since I use my red ones all the time. I wanted a dressier pair for times when I'm cold and need that wrist/hand warmth indoors and want to look a little it less like a homeless person, as my husband has said I look.

Plus, I already had printed it out so I didn't have to go online and dig through a million patterns and print something out to knit.

It's a lovely sunny day and should be just a tad warmer although probably won't climb into the 50's. I can see the clothes still on the line and the wind is gently lifting them into the air, just enough to soften and ease wrinkles. They were almost dry last night and I think if I had pegged them out (been reading British novels on country life again) early enough they might have been dry last night. But getting up early still eludes me. It was 4 a.m. before I got to sleep this morning and I woke up at 9 a.m.

I'm three disks in to Supernatural, season 2 and it's just as good as season 1 was. My Friday shows were either reruns or not on so I did a marathon.

I'm off to finish cleaning the kitchen and attack the bathroom before the Mighty Hunter returns tomorrow and the Deer Widow's Vacation comes to an end. This actually is the last day of it since he'll be home tomorrow so I'll have to come up with another title from now on. I must say it was a bit relaxing not having to come up with a witty title for my posts. Not that I ever succeed in being witty.

The work calls to me and I must answer.


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