Friday, September 4, 2009


I ended up having to go to town again today because some things came in to the library and with the Labor Day coming up, I needed to pick them up today. So it will be a Midsomer Murders marathon all weekend!!!!! Makes me happy.

I also plan on trying to catch up on some resting and do as little work as possible so I can start the next week, which won't be as hectic as most weeks, with a surplus of rest instead of a deficit. We must make church Sunday since Zach is acolyte. I have really missed it anyway.

I have tons to read and lots to knit and I may just get my kick spindle out again and get busy spinning.

Professor has been wired of late and is barking a lot both day and night. I don't know what the problem is but I haven't had a complete night's sleep in days. I even went to bed at 10 p.m. last night and woke up at least 11 times with him needing to go out for wee'ing or to look for the blasted chipmunk. Or to answer the telegraph system out there that dogs seem to enjoy in the pre-dawn times.

Yes, I forgot to close the windows. Not that I think that would have solved the problem. I even tried to sleep in and Tom was willing to let me but Professor wouldn't leave the side of my bed and would bark at me to get up.

He doesn't do this in winter. Much.

Off to curl up and read and watch Tom Barnaby solve all the problems in Midsomer County.


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