Thursday, September 3, 2009

Crawling toward the weekend

In spite of feeling more optimistic about my present and future, I am having trouble coming up with a coherent post today. I got the insurance information I need for any medical care until the cards come in and I'm okay with all the meds I have without running out anytime soon. I've got a few ideas on how to make some money from home. It won't be immediate and it won't be a lot, but I think I might be able to pull in some money. Add that to the frugally things I do and it makes a difference.

In spite of still feeling exhausted, I feel more confident that I can start making positive changes in my habits that will help, although they won't solve the problem. steps are still steps in the right direction.

Now if I can just get the dog to shut up at night so I can sleep longer than 2 hours at a time...

Seriously, I was up with him no less than 8 times last night and more than 10 the night before. I had to let him out each time and each time he did his business so I'm at a loss as to why the puppy papers were soaked this morning. Unless he was just marking his territory. I'm seriously wondering if a dog is in heat somewhere. Professor's been fixed but he still has some special time with his "girlfriend" (a toy dog he's had since we got him) so it's possible he still gets the urge.

I think I might just close the windows tonight so he doesn't hear someone talking in their yard two blocks away or hear a dog barking halfway across town. Or sniff that dratted chipmunk from next door.

I know when I see the doctor for my annual physical she's going to want to put me on anti-depressants again. In spite of the possibly fatal interaction with my pain pills. She seems to think if I just have a psychiatrist monitoring me, it will be okay. I've told her my anxiety attacks tell me otherwise. Still it would be nice to sleep regularly again, but not at that cost.

And I could do without the depression. But we'll see if those positive changes I want to make will help in that area first.

Tom wants me to set up a physical for him as well. I've tried that many times in the past and he always cancels at the last minute. He hasn't been to the doctor in so long she no longer considers him a patient and she's not taking on new patients now so I'd have to find him another doctor. I'm not sure why it's my responsibility to do that. I told him to try another clinic in the next town that our PPO covers. But I'm not going to do it for him. I have enough on my plate juggling bills and my own medical problems.

I do want to get Zach in though. He's not been in a few years and I want him to see where he is physically. I know I don't set a good example but I can't make him exercise or eat right so he's got to learn on his own how important it is to take care of himself now. We'll switch him to COBRA after he's done with school so any pre-existing conditions should carry over. The only ones he has right now are his Tourette's and his OCD.

I've got to stop watching HGTV. This young couple is looking for a house and they keep talking about how tiny these houses are. They're huge!!

Must. Control. The. Envy. Factor.

Why on earth do you need a bathroom the size of a living room? Just how much time to people spend in there in the course of a day?

Anyhoo...I'm off to fix supper and divide the ground beef into 3 ounce portions for the freezer. Then I'm off to bed. I'm seriously wiped out from shopping.


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