Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The shelf life of snow

Lately, anytime I'm at the computer I have a puppy in my arms and since I can't type with one hand (not to be confused with the sound of one hand clapping) I don't blog as much or comment on others' blogs.

As you can tell, I'm puppy-free for now. But my fingers are also pretty darn cold in spite of the mitts I have on.

And oh...it's snowing again. We're supposed to get 5 inches tonight. Yeah...that's what I wanted for Christmas.

So I was wondering the other day, before I knew we were getting more snow, about the shelf life of snow because it looked absolutely cruddy out there. It had rained, the snow had melted and of course, the icky black stuff and leaves and other crap that left the snow looking less than picturesque made me think that the shelf life on this particular crop of snow had expired.

So now we're getting a fresh batch. It's not exactly what I meant, God. I was just musing, not asking for a better view.

And speaking of views, I got some room-darkening curtains today for the living room. Of course a dark room wasn't the major thing on my brain. But thermal and lined were. I had to throw the curtains away over the summer because they were falling apart. I'm sure they had been there since the sixties, at least. And they were rotten. So are the ones in the dining room, but I'll get to them later.

Anyway, I found these at StuffMart for $20 a panel and since each panel covers one window perfectly, I only need three. Of course, I only bought two because I wanted to make sure first. Tomorrow I'll go back and get another one so I can take the blanket down from the other window. I can't really afford all this, but it's an investment. We have pretty new windows but the frame still has some air seepage and that does get frosty. Anything I can do to keep the heat in, I will do. Within reason.

I haven't been knitting much at all. I worked a bit on Zach's sweater and am halfway done with the last sleeve. I should finish up by the weekend and he can wear it to church, which we haven't been to for three weeks for one reason or another.

And just to let you know that we still are having more than our share of bad juju, I looked at the tire on the car yesterday before leaving the college and the right front tire (remember the left front tire blew out the sidewall a week or so ago) has a chunk out of the sidewall and a bulge and split as well. So I'm not driving the car until Tom takes the car in to the place where we bought the tires less than six months ago and has it fixed.

I'm off to play Animal Crossing (Zach and I are playing it together) and then to the basement to haul a load of trash out since tomorrow is trash day and the bin isn't anywhere close to being half full. And then a few loads of laundry to help heat up the basement while I'm working down there.

And tonight, I'm wrapping presents, including the ones I bought for myself. *cough*

Then...off to watch Torchwood and hopefully finish it before Friday when it's due back.


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