Thursday, December 11, 2008

Do I really look like a homeless person?

I cut my hair.

I told myself after being bald for several months due to chemo that I would keep it long forever, but enough was enough.  Post chemo hair has been very thin.  So thin that I have to dye my hair blonde to keep my scalp from showing through too much.  So thin that I could wear one of those baby sized rubber bands to put my hair up in a ponytail.  And wrap it twice.

And with all the hat wearing this winter, it's been tangling badly, which is absolutely no fun and I was sleeping on my hair which would wake me up if I tried to move.  Feeling your hair being pulled out of your head in the middle of the night isn't pleasant either.

And it just plain looked bad.  It had no curl to it at all...even after putting in a perm.  Board straight.

I cut it about chin length and surprise! surprise!  I like it this length.  I think I look younger although it does make my face look fatter.  And it's such a breeze to take care of.  Plus, because it is less heavy, it kind of poofs out on the sides, making me look like I've got thicker hair.  Ish. Thicker-ish hair.  I think I'll keep it this length.

Another reason I cut it was because yesterday I mentioned to Tom that sitting inside the college waiting for Zach has made me more visible, of course, and people seem to stare at me.  He made the suggestion that maybe they thought I was a homeless person.

Can't begin to tell you what that did for my self-esteem.

So I dressed for indoors instead of sitting in the car clothing, put make-up on (which I rarely wear...only to church or special occasions) played DS part of the time and read a book the rest of the time.

They still stared.

But at least they won't think I'm homeless this time.


I have a dog shivering on my shoulder but he doesn't like to wear his sweater.  He wants to wear my sweater.  He tries to crawl under it if I'm sitting on the couch even though he has two blankets:  one on the couch and the other in front of the heat vent.  Not to mention his pet bed in front of the other vent.  But he likes the body heat and my sweater has the body heat.  But only when I'm wearing it.

I woke up this morning with a puppy curled up next to my side and cat on my neck.  I must be the hottest thing in this house.

Zach is almost done with school this semester.  He has one class in Beaver Dam and might possibly be done with all the FDL classes.  One instructor is having a party at a Joe's Fox Hut in Fond du Lac.  I have no idea where I'm going to park for the time they're having the party.  I guess I could drive all the way to the campus but that's a ways away.  And I don't know where I'm going to pick him up either.  Where do people in FDL park?  I've only been downtown twice and that was a drive through and traffic was so heavy it was all I could do to watch my lane, let alone what was going on around me.

Still, I don't want him to miss out on college fun.  I'll figure something out.

Well, I'm off to make up the bed and curl up with the remote and watch Rick Steve's travelogue around Great Britain.  I live vicariously.


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