Monday, February 4, 2008

Baby steps

The dog is strange. As much as I love a cuddly dog, it does get old holding him while I'm on the computer. Every time. Every moment. I think part of it is being gone so much lately that he wants physical contact while I'm home.

I know...that's not strange.

What is strange is how I was able to bribe him. Professor loves catnip. I made a toy for Hannibal for Christmas, just a bitty Christmas stocking with some catnip inside it. But Professor won't let him play with it. Instead, he nuzzles it until he gets inside the stocking and licks all the catnip away. If, heaven forfend, Hannibal should happen upon the toy while Professor isn't on guard, the old Prof will take it away and bark ceaselessly at him.

Although it's true he's been barking a lot at the cat ever since Hannibal caught him and caused him to fall off the bed and injure his leg.


I've decided to stop fighting my fatigue and give in to it. Part of fibromyalgia is a near-constant fatigue that no amount of rest will alleviate. I've been fortunate that mine hasn't been terribly debilitating and that my pain has been very manageable. But of late, the fatigue has been a real nuisance. I think I've discovered that fighting it makes it worse. Or at least it seems that way. I'm just going to do what I can when I can and rest when I need it. Some people don't accept that fatigue is not something you can work past but he they aren't my problem.

I napped today while waiting for Zach and felt much better for it. It was only about 25 minutes but I was comfy under my blanket while listening to the rain on the roof of the car. Very soothing.

I was able to get a lot of knitting done after that while listening to Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident. I'm trying to get the baby blanket done before Sunday so I can give it to Jan for the Haiti Project our diocese is working on.

I've also been doing some breathing exercises to help with stress. That only seems to help a little bit, but maybe I just need practice at it.

I'm not doing terribly well with the whole healthful eating thing, but I'm not doing as badly as I was doing before so I'm counting that as success.

Baby steps, after all.

Which is what I took while walking across the parking lot today. Ice and rain have made a very slick mess of things so I walked very carefully taking small steps. I do not want to fall down again. I think I've reached my quota for the year.

I'm so ready for spring.


1 comment:

Mad about Craft said...

I am also so ready for Spring!

It is a £$%^&) nusiance fighting long term conditions isin't? The constant pain and/or tiredness is very wearing and reduces the joy of life.

We need to stick together and support each other, us long termers!!

Love Ailsa